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Father and Son and multiple loggins ?


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I received my CD 2 weeks ago and I must say that I enjoy the game very much .

Now addiction to DIF seems contagious because my elder son loves the game too smile.gif , although he is usually more interested in RTS and FPS :(

Now I have a question, can I create a second account so that he can manage his pilots for only games under his own name ?

Keep on the good job


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Glad to hear that you are both enjoying the game. I don't think I even have a chance of getting my son to look at the game unless I can get it to run on the XBox. smile.gif

Your son can certainly create his own account on the web site, and if he logs into the Lobby using that account, then he will have his own set of pilots, etc.

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Thanks for the answer Brian,

Now we should think about creating a squadron for the young bloods, and special rules also...

As an example, they would be allowed to fly Nates and Gladiators only, and with the sole IMS 1:1 offensive cards.

Thanks again for this game

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