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Maybe this as an addition?


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Since I am a stats whore, do you think it would be possible to add maybe to the online tracking your hit percentage and maybe total damage? What I mean is say you play a IMS1:1 and miss then play a IMS3:3 and hit, your % would be 75%. I dont know if it would be possible to do it with the code already in place, but I think IMHO that it would add a lot to the game. Maybe even a defensive area where it shows how HARD it is to hit you. So say someone plays a IMS2:2 and misses but then plays a OTS3:4 and hits you then you got hit 57%.

While I am on this subject, how about a stat where it shows how many times you were shot down and damaged.



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Although not so obsessed with stats as my comrade in arms Ray, I second the shot down / damaged proposition.

As I said earlier, another way of assessing pilots performance is to evaluate survivability. An all-out agressive player will die quickly but may have some devastating successes before that. Since AI allows to train relatively safely up to considerable XP totals, these flying rednecks can be let loose on the rampage even at a considerable experience level!

Evaluating some prudence/agressiveness ratio would (hopefully) be an incentive for some players to fly less recklessly smile.gif .

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I would like to see how many times a pilot was shot down compared to missions flown. It would show the survival factor of that pilot. The less times your shot down the better chance of NOT becoming KIA. That would be a very interesting stat for me. :D

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