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AI & Diplomacy in SC2

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How will HC's SC2 AI handle diplomacy in Sc2?

Will it invest in diplomacy or not?

If so how much?

Will it or will it not respond to human investments in diplomacy?

Which country or countries will it favor?

Which country or countries will it ignore?

Will it have strategy for diplomatic spending so that it does not make ineffective investments.

Thought 1. The AI at Green and Novice levels should largely ignore this aspect of the game to keep things simple for the human player.

Thought 2. The Axis AI should probably not take the diplomatic initative in Switzerland, Iceland, Ireland, Portugal and Persia.

Thought 3. At Expert level and higher the AI should focus diplomatic spending on Spain (45%), Turkey (45%) or Sweden (10%) if it decides to invest in this area as they are the most powerful neutrals in terms of location, production and the size of their national army.

Thought 4. In the AI level chart add a column for bonus diplomatic chits - +0 chit (Green to Beginner), +1 chit (Intermediate), +2 chits (Expert), +3 chits (Genius), Random (+0 to +5).

Thought 5. Can Russia can swing Finland to its side using diplomacy? This would secure its Northern front.

Thought 6. Would swinging Portugal to the Allied side be worth it. The Allies would gain an airbase that could support the defense of Gibraltar or Spain.

Though 7. The Allied AI should probably counter any Human diplomatic efforts in Turkey as an Axis Turkey would greatly complicate matters for Soviet Russia.

Perhaps the beta testers can offer some insight on their diplomatic strategies, diplomatic counter strategies, or reasons for not pursuing diplomacy (as it does take away resources that could be used to construct a larger army).

[ January 02, 2006, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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A few thoughts on diplomacy:

Idea: Simple Sample Diplomacy Strategy for France:

01-80 No Diplomacy

81-90 Iraq

91-00 Influence USA: Goal is to influence USA before France falls and the diplomacy chits are lost.

Idea: Simple Sample Diplomacy Strategy for UK:

01-50 No Diplomacy

51-60 Influence Iraq

61-70 Influence Sweden

71-75 Influence Spain

75-00 Influence USA: This strategy seems to be favored by the playtesters.

Idea: Allied AI invests additional chits to reinforce any diplomatic breakthrough achieved by the French.

Idea: Simple AI Strategy for Allies

50%: No Diplomacy

20%: Influence USA - France 1 Chit, UK 2 chits

10%: Influence Iraq - France 1 Chit, UK 2 chits

10%: Major Influence on USA - France 2 chits, UK 3 chits

10%: Counter Axis Diplomacy

Question: Does the AI get bonus diplomatic chits at higher AI levels?

[ January 20, 2006, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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