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(NEW?) mechanics and AL suggestions

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As a newby, let me comment that the enthusiasm shown in these threads in suggestions aimed toward perfecting SC is a tribute the fact that it is such an enjoyable game.

Toward generally improving the flexibility of the game,I suggest the following:

- Italy neutral scenario. Allow Germany the ability to invade Italy (currently not I believe).

- Trapped units after seaborn invasion of Ireland. Allow units that are used for amphibious landings in areas without a port to eventually leave that location (perhaps with a time and equipment loss).

- Supply-trapped units in Soutern Caucasus. Allow units some degree of movement when out of supply. Certainly even in the worst supply situations, given enough time to scrounge, any unit not encircled could move a nominal distance.

- No ability to create bridgeheads at beaches or across rivers. I understand that SC2 will address this somehow for seaborn invasions?

- Air unit flexibility and self-destructing air units. Users should have control over tasks for air units. Units should not automatically provide air-cover and excort support (particulary when there is a good likelihood they will be destroyed). Will 'retreats' also apply to air units in SC2?

- Amphibious asaults from the US? For amphibious assaults, units should lose readiness based on distance to enemy shoreline.

- Invulnerable U-boats? I agree with others who have posted that U-boat effectiveness vs. surface fleets is too exxagerated (reinforced after a recent viewing of Das Boot).

- I also agree with others recent postings that air forces are too effective against ground units when used alone. Destruction of ground units by air forces should only be possible when coordinated with ground forces.

Toward improving the fun-to-play aspect, I suggest the following for making the SC2 AI less predictable (suggestions refer to grand campaign).

- Maginot line. French considers maginot line too important. Units should completely abandon line after Axis breakthrough.

- Initial French strategy. French are too predictable and always stay within French border.

- British always excersize a general bombardment strategy for using all AFs on mainland and in Malta that seems to use up its entire resources. AI should choose to excercise air units in this way based on a limit % of resource units for anticipated casualties.

- British navy is too passive in Mediterranean.

- Germans do not follow historical course. Immediately after the conquest of Poland and France, they begin preparations for Barbarossa. Generally, the neutrals are ignored.

My apologies, but I needed to ramble.


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You aren't rambling, almost every item on you list has been discussed here during the past three or so years and all of them have been mentioned at least a dozen times that I can remember.

The problem is we haven't got a systematic way for people to know what's been going on so they have to keep reinventing the wheel on forum topics.

If you'll use the search option and will make sure the area being searched (in the drop box) is either the SC or SC2 Forum, you'll see numerous topics appear for each of the subjects you've listed and they're discussed in thousands of posts.

-- A couple of years back I suggested a section that would summarize past discussions on key game and historical topics, but it was never picked up upon. If started and maintained this situation for new members (and old ones who forget discussions) could be avoided.

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