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Screen Shots: How To?

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Title says it all.

Oh, and please, if you are posting an answer, consider your audience to be technically incompetent! ;) Step-by-step directions would be best.

P.S. I'm surprised this hasn't come up before, but a search of the forum came up with nothing.

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This is what I do:

1) Click 'CTRL-PrtScn' when I want to capture a screenie.

2) Open image software (mspaint if you have nothing else).

3) Paste the image.

4) Crop the image as desired... airbrush out important bits... add labels etc.

5) Upload the image to my account on orange. But using an image hosting site like imageshack works just as well.

6) Link to the image in this message board and voila!

If any of these steps are dificult to you then a quick read through the faq/help files of imageshack or your image software should solve the problem ;)

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