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US transfers Pacific fleet even if US declares on Spain?

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Almost every game that I've played the US transfers its fleet because the Axis get Spain.

But what happens if the US declares war on Spain? If the UK had been knocked out and the US felt it needed the additional naval assets, would it technically be possible to get the transfer by declaring on Spain? I believe so, but I've been wrong before smile.gif .


; This event will be called (by the game engine) when either Spain is Axis or

; Axis units occupy Spain


#NAME= USA Transfers Naval Assets From The Pacific

#POPUP= US Transfers Naval Assets From The Pacific

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0





; Axis units within range of Madrid

#CONDITION_POSITION= 57,25 [1,3] [1,1] [1]

#UNIT= 9 [10] [1] [Washington]

#UNIT= 10 [10] [1] [Wichita]

#UNIT= 11 [10] [1] [Ranger]

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Yes, only important are Axis units near Madrid - so everytime Spain enters the war (no matter which side) USA will transfer naval assets from the Pacific sooner or later.

But declaring war to Spain as Allies is let´s say...suboptimal ;) . Because of a few ships this nice birthday present to Axis - pretty bad idea unless Allies have already won and want to conquer Spain :D .

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