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Recurring slowdown problem

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Hello Forum,

I seem to have a technical problem with SC2. The game itself is excellent, but I am experiencing a recurring serious slowdown problem with it. I would be happy to hear if anyone else has seen a similar issue, and whether they managed to fix it somehow.

When the program is started, everything works fine. However, the game then immediately starts slowing down gradually. After 10-15 minutes of gameplay, the game is usually too slow to play comfortably (doing anything results in a lag of a second or more, AI turns take forever). Restarting the program clears the problem temporarily, and luckily the game is very quick to start. Thanks to this, the game is still playable, but naturally it is pretty annoying - especially later in the game, when I often have to restart after every turn.

It seems that this is not a common problem, as I didn't find any reference to it. I am running WinXP/SP2 and my system is usually very stable and has minimal problems running a variety of games. My hardware is P4/2.8Ghz, 1024MB RAM, Radeon 9600pro.

Any comments/help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Hummm strange, there are a couple times a game where I will notice a slow down in the AI turn, sometimes it can take as long as 30 seconds to 'think' but this is rare and normally happens towards the end of my games when there are max units and nations involved. Anyway your system specs don't look bad, it should run the game fine. Can you Alt Tab out and look at CPU time and see what is taking up all the CPU time, you could have somthing else mesing with the game like a virus program or spam blocker. Have you tried totally de-installing the game and re-installing? Oh one other quetion do you have any Mods installed? If Mods installed try taking them out and see if that helps.

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avari ...i, as Rolend have had identical experience's!, however...what you describe sounds like some 'Anti-Virus' programme running without you knowing about it, or maybey a 'Virus' or 'SpyWare' running on your Machine!...something that is putting heavy demands on your CPU!.

So far ive installed 4-Mod's and my game has not been affected!...even when i have been playing those Mod's!.

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