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Different types of DOW

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I was wondering if there could be an option to have different war options such as having more control on territories such as making a country neutral or getting no income(or half) from it.

So say you declare war on norway and instead of keeping it you set it to the option of getting no income. the side effect is no mmp but you can use it as a army base to defend. like using this no the LC because you had to to get past maginot line but still want to move through it. the ability to move through it though could be a way to force them to trade with you at recovering so war readyness. also say you dont want it at all so you set it to neutral and get most of war readyness back.

this is just an idea and wouldnt mind some questions so i can explain better.

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Interesting idea;

Are you suggesting that when a country surrenders you can select from among 3 options:

1. Plunder - normal plunder

2. Pillage - Increased plunder but greater chance of partisans

3. Be Nice - No plunder along with reduced chance of partisan activity

Example: When a country surrenders, on your next turn you see a popup that gives you the three options. If you conquer Yugoslavia you may want to accept no plunder to get a lower chance of partisans appearing. If you conquer France you may want to pillage the Country to get more than the normal amount of plunder.

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thats another good idea. the idea i have is were you get to make a choice after surrender or were yo can leave it in limbo. It would be a way to lessen having russia and usa entering war. so say declaring war on LC, well you have to unless you want to bash your head against wall. so after france falls you chose Lc to go back to neutral but with a say 10%war when you dow but is reduced to 2% increase since it was unfortunate they lost troops but thats because they were stopping your pass.

or chosing to leave its production alone and just using its teritory as a garison like Iceland when allies landed right? so the readyness is only 5% could use this to take norway secure the area and then take sweden and plunder it. the trade idea is that supply in city should be 10 as it is not conquered but has to trade with conquerer half its income but you get full supply.

or you chose to just plunder it and conquer the place straight out so it goes 10%.

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