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Can I write a neutrality event in Sc2?

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Does the event editor in Sc2 support a neutrality event - ie an event that turns an active major nation into a neutral nation (aka the Vichy France event) if it occurs?


Human Allied player successfully defends France and finds that when Russia enters the war, France and the UK declare neutrality and become neutral nations (USA war readiness declines). Now its Russia alone vs the AI Axis.

Human Axis player is on verge of conquering the world when Italy withdraws from war and becomes a neutral nation once more.

I suggest this as it has the potential to enhance a game vs the AI. It also allows player built scenarios to more accurately reflect the nuances of conflict in earlier time periods.

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Unfortunately no. Once activated, a country remains in play until it surrenders upon loss of capital(s).

Neutral countries will generally have some leaning toward Axis or Allies and some activation value. Event scripts and diplomacy can change activation, either an increase or decrease. If the value drops below 0%, leaning shifts, so a country might go from +5% Allies to +3% Axis. But once the value hits 100%, that's it - the country enters the war and remains a player.

A possible future enhancement might allow that activation value to drop after war entry, so that once the value hits 0% then the country surrenders. It would be great to have such a capability, since historically Italy and Romania surrendered prior to their capitals being captured. Many games have special rules to handle this, and it would be nice for SC2 also.

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