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Suggestion to Hubert

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The old PC Game "THIRD REICH" patched 1.38 allowed the human player to switch the sides, during a game vs AI opponnent (i.e : Axis human player could change his side and become Allied human player, during a same game)

It would be very great to have this possibility with SC2 in the future... ;)

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Clash of Steel allowed this as well (and before 3rd Reich)

Dear Mr. Carter, this is feature i missed already in SC 1, please, have a heart for us AI-players, do enable the option to change sides in a game against the ai.

Just like in Star Wars, let us be Darth Vader fighting for the good side, repaying all the evil we did for the Nazi-Germany, let us be the new hope for the allied side (and vice versa).

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This would be good. Not sure how complicated it would be to implement.

Another idea is to add a feature that would allow the AI to complete a player's turn. Player could perform as many or as few actions as desired and then turn it over to the AI. Schwerpunkt's Anglo-German War does this and it's a nice feature. If this is implemented for SC2, a player could choose a hotseat game and literally watch an AI vs AI game with FOW on or off, or jump in at any point for either side and take control of a situation.

Edit: On second thought, not sure how well this might work with AI scripts. Toggling the AI on/off might result in some really erratic behavior. But it would be neat if it could work!

[ February 20, 2007, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: pzgndr ]

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