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Road_Patch ( Suggestion for developpers)

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A little suggestion for developers : It would be interesting, in my opinion, to create a "Road_patch" for SC2 in the futur : naturally, the current scale not necessite roads, but I think that numerous players will want to try to realize operational scenarios (Barbarossa 1941, Balkans 1941, France 1940, Indochina 1954, Italy Campaign 1943-1944, Afrika Corps 41-42, etc.). In this kind of scenarios, roads can have a role as regards the movement. Would a Road_patch be easy to create in he futur ? I think it would be a good way for operationnal scenarios and mods.

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My wish list for future map enhancements:

#1 Priority - Road Tiles - for operational level battles where roads had an impact.

#2 Priority - Railroad Tiles - for higher levels games - such as American Civil War - where the rail net was of great importance.

#3 Elevated Terrain Types

#4 Bridge/Ford Tiles

#5 Terrain AP costs by Unit Type - so Armor pays more AP to enter Forest Tiles.

#6 Supply Lines traced 5 tiles to Road then Along Road to Supply Center. Cut the road and you cut off a unit's supply, unless there is another road link to a supply center.

[ March 24, 2006, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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