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New to CMBO - Campaigns?

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You can play either Scenarios or Operations.

Scenarios represent a single battle. Operations are, essentially, a string of several sequential battles in a row with such things as resupply and vehicle recovery.

Both scenarios and operations are available on the CD and for download at various CM sites.

There is not really any supported method to play an entire campaign that starts you at Normandy and ends in Berlin. Some folks have come up with some custom rules and run custom mulitplayer campaigns that allow you get the feel of a campaign, but it's not something you'll find directly supported in CM itself.

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A minor detail, possibly off topic but still worth mentioning; There are some "mini campaigns" around. Meaning a number of battles depicting a historical chain of events. Examples are Patrick Ware's "No rest" campaign (which probably comes closest to what you're asking about), Warmongers "Lorraine" pack, Kingfish' "About Face" pack and my personal favourite, Dan Brown's "Toulon" series. And there are many others too.

Of course, none run all the way from Normandy to Berlin, and nor do you have any continuity of forces as such.



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