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Siberian Option - Edit ability?

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Advanced event engine that will allow players to script/create custom events like troop transfers, supply, territorial surrender and annexation rules

Greatly expanded editor that will give you the control to create custom maps and sizes, place and/or delete any unit/resource/terrain, edit each unit characteristic, set build limits, even edit and create new unit types and countries! An entire game engine at your fingertips!


Multiplayer will include Hotseat, PBEM, as well as Network (TCP/IP) play allowing for up to 6 different players to be connected and play at once


Sophisticated AI, Weather, Fog of War Effects, Convoy Routing, Lend-Lease, Scorched Earth Tactics, Siberian troops, Soviet Winter, Urals Industry, Malta Effect and much, much more!

New screenshots, game info and a FAQ section will be added to this site in the coming weeks. Check back often for updates!

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