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Hellraiser (Axis) vs Preusse (Allies) 1st leg tourney AAR

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Finally we managed to get the game rolling smile.gif

Mr. Preusse wants the good guys, so he gets them smile.gif

sep 1939

Axis use the aggro opening -> LC/Denmark fall in turn 2, Poland in turn 3.

Turn 3 - german units are near Paris due to french commander failure to regroup in time near the capital. But this won't help Axis much because a combo of bad weather and ridiculous streak of minimum rolls prevents the germans from entering the city (defended by an army).

Not that it matters much...but in march 40, Paris falls. Romania and Hungary acknowledge (at the end of 39, beggining of 40) that their future lies along with the 3rd Reich's smile.gif

After France, german troops obliterate the puppet state of Vichy and capture Spain. Meanwhile, sensing that opposition in Egypt may be light, an italian army cut off the suez strait and high tech german armies/corps advance and capture Alexandria destroying an army, corps and tank and trapping (with italian navy) the escape route of O'Connor HQ. Gibraltar captured as well.

German techs at the end of 40 are IW3,AT2, HT1, LR1.

Naval warfare was light, german atlantic sub escaped to Bordeaux and in the Med, a RN cruiser and a carrier were sunk and a BB crippled (parked in Malta currently)

More to report soon...

[ March 08, 2007, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]

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After getting Egypt and regrouping, germans attack and capture Syria but no Iraqi rebels so I will have to handle them iraqi the hard way...

2 RN BBs sunk in the Med near Malta.

Middle of August 41:

Barbarossa begins...

German techs IW3, AT3, HT3 (tanks upgraded only to lvl 2), jets 2, LR 1

troops used - all tanks, 4 german AFs, 1 italian bomber, 2 italian AFs, 1 romanian AF, some armies and corps (errmm.. a lot of them), 3 HQs.

Riga, Odessa, Minsk captured, german troops advancing towards Leningrad and Kiew.

The same turn with barby, germans capture Iraq.

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Barby turn 2

German troops reach the marshes near Leningrad-Moscow area, surround Kiew and reach the outskirts of Smolensk. Southern soviet mines captured - Army group South will attack Kharkow soon. Iran DOW-ed and subdued (Bush gotta love me tongue.gif )

Finland joins.

Russians are preparing fortifications near Rostow.

Russian techs at the start of Barby are IW3 and AT1 (at least what I can spot right now)

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First turn of september - USA joins.

Germans surround Leningrad and Smolensk , army group South reach Kharkow. Germans get jets+3.

Red baltic fleet destroyed.

October 5, 41

Leningrad, Smolensk, Kharkow captured by germans - 2 red armies destroyed in the process.

Germans have to stop a bit so the supply catches up + to refit/upgrade some units. Anyway the bad weather sets in ;)

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Second turn of October - an ill fated russian counterattack aimed at destroying the Kharkow garrison fails and the attacking troops (lvl 2 tank + army) get killed. Germans have some luck with the weather - but it is irrelevant now as most of the units got upgraded during this turn. Red air force attacks a german army in the mountains at the iranian border - no damage.

Meanwhile, germans bought the remaining allowed HQs and AFs.

[ March 08, 2007, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]

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And the spring offensive begins...

Moscow and the two cities above it, past the river, fall in quick succession, being only lightly defended. German shift their axe of attack towards Voronezh - Rostow area (Rostow being heavily fortified, is left alone...not for long though...)

Meanwhile, Algeria, Tunisia and Yugoslavia fall rapidly...a little morale boost is never bad smile.gif

Allied air force bomb Antwerp port and some german cities on a daily basis smile.gif

By July 12, Voronezh falls, 2 red corps, 1 army , 1 tank destroyed. Luftwaffe and the sidekicks (1 it bomber, 2 it. AFs and 1 romanian AF) dominate.

Meanwhile, italian navy + a german cruiser and a german sub, sailing from Gibraltar in an attempt to link up with the Kriegsmarine sailing from Kiel, encounter a US carrier and sends it to the bottom...a US corps in a boat is damaged as well.

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Last turn of July 42 -> a huge naval battle errupts north-west of Ireland - great losses on both sides but apparently Axis have the edge.

In Russia, a huge army assembles in front of the heavily fortified Rostow-Stalingrad Area - such force hasn't been seen since the times of Genghis Khan...

In the same time, allies try something that they call a D-Day smile.gif

British paratroopers descend from the skies and capture the german mine...a powerful and upgraded british task force liberate the LC giving those guys a false sense of freedom...

Adolf wows to react swiftly to these ridiculous attempts to break the solidarity of the european people...

[ March 10, 2007, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]

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August 1942

German troops occupy positions on the S-Line - Kleist, paras, army a tank and some corps defend the area.

Germans destroy the first fort near Rostow.

The naval battle near Ireland continues, Axis sinking some more stuff plus Bradley HQ in his yacht.

Let's see the allied reply.

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Allied raid in LC turns out to be a real D-Day after all judging from the amounts of units sent (US troops as well) - Allies capture a german town but germans reply killing the paratrooper. Allies besieging Paris.

Axis commander is quite relaxed - 10 fully upgraded troops are coming out of the queue by Dec 42.

In Russia, the commies mount a counterattack killing 2 german corps but exposing very valuable units so in return, Axis forces devastate the red attackers - 3 armies, 1 corps, 2 tanks destroyed and Rostow captured.

German forces from Iran ordered to advance into Caucasus.

Meanwhile, near Ireland, axis fleet sink what can be still found nearby - battle is almost concluded in Axis favour unless the Allies find some more ships to throw at the wolfpacks. German subs are kings, they dive like there's no tommorrow smile.gif

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Late August - September 42

Allies manage to destroy a S-line fort but cannot push into Germany too deep - instead they get Paris and try to cut off the link to Spain.

Still no strong german presence in West - Russia has priority.

In Russia, the remnants of red troops defending Stalingrad area are destroyed or flee. German armoured spearheads reach Stalingrad defended by 2 HQ and a tank in a fort smile.gif

German diversion in Caucasus pay off - some red troops operated to defend the area...despite that, german raiding corps destroy the oilfields.

No sign of allied vessels in North Atlantic, subs raiding big time.

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October 42

German troops capture Stalingrad, killing Voroshilov inside. Axis spearheads threaten to cut off the red caucasian task force.

In west, axis re-establish the link to western France and Spain, cutting off 2 uk corps. One corps sitting on the german mine killed, mine recaptured. German reinforcements from the queue take positions in western Germany and Marseilles.

The Luftwaffe is being currently restrenghtened and upgraded - they will soon receive new missions.

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Summer 43 Axis Major Victory! 9 axis airfleets rain death over London and german paratrooper jumps for the win!

What happened meanwhile:

The Western Allies intensified their efforts in France/LC, managing to cut off several times the iberic link but failing to get any more cities - they held 3 cities in Europe: Paris, Brussels and Essen. Occasionaly they paid visits to Frankfurt - punk ass british paratrooper kept jumping in the dark smile.gif

Several axis armies and corps died for the Fatherland in west.

By beggining of 1943, Axis assembled a huge army in Germany, Marseilles and Bordeaux, planning once the weather turns ok, to throw the allies into the sea and capture LOndon in order to secure a major victory.

Things went exactly as planned - tons of troops coming from the queue were positioned for the upcoming offensive. When weather allowed full scale operations, 9 axis AFs opened up on the western allies and axis ground forces wiped out armies, corps, AFs, everything that they could find smile.gif

Some HQs and troops + AFs managed to escape to England.

In Russia, Axis kept a formidable force of 6 tanks, several armies and corps around Stalingrad area with firm orders to halt any offensive the reds may initiate - nothing came their way but instead russian forces kept hammering the mid east german-italian army group, slowly pushing them to Baghdad - who cares about those arabs anyway smile.gif

In a last effort, 6-7 red infantry units recaptured a town in the north-east of Moscow but it was all too late...

After wiping out the US-UK circus in LC/France, the airfleets moved in range of London and in 2 turns all was over for the free world - paratroopers secured the last prize: the city of London itself!!!

The RN and USN were pretty much wiped out as well, all axis submarines alive (as well as some battered surface units)inflicting pain and diving much to the despair of the allied commander.

Partisans ran amok in russia, yugoslavia, etc - I really was too lazy to contain this pest and Preusse tried a nice partisan game of cutting off various locations smile.gif

Nice game and a good performance by Preusse, given the fact that this is his first '39 game online.

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