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Just ordered the digital download earlier this week and I must say that this is one great game!

The only thing I see weak is the poor performance by the AI but I know that they are working on this. After that this game will be a great addition to my already big WWII library.

I think that the gameplay is much better than Gary Grisby's World at War. Gary's game felt too much like I've been there done that before but SC2 is simple yet very addictive!

Thank you Battlefront for this game!

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I agree with you Cookie Monster! this game is very good and addictive!,...it has great potential!.

I...so far prefer the Campaign Games...over the Scenario's... .

Can't wait to see if a 'Pacific Campaign' or other Campaign's other than WW2 make their appearance someday!.

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Im primarily an AI player too Major Spinello! , though i do see head to head play as vastly superior!.

However i prefer AI,...primarily because you can play when-ever you want for however long you want without being tied to a leash!...or commitment!.

I am one of the few that believes that eventually, one day, AI will show it's undeniable 'STAMP' on game's.

It will eventually evolve into a force to be reconned with!.

Im sure it will 'only take time',...and that 'It is Not a Hopeless Wasted Effort'!.

We just need people/programmer's with 'IMAGINATION' to contribute to this end-result so that one day it will be, truely a Key Integral Game Component...'A Must Have'!,...instead of 'Oh it will NEVER HAPPEN!.

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