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Preorder SC2 -Process

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So, I can not wait the game longer :D : my problem is : From France, it is difficult for me to send the payment and I will ask to friends to pre-order for me SC2 : As I need 2 Us copies of the game (and later 5 french copies, for more security ! :D ), I will ask each friend to pre-order for me with his credit card.

The great question is : may I then provisory to donwload the game from my PC (despite the fact the pre order will be send by other people for me) ? How can I do ? Thanks. I don't sleep more : day and nitght, I think to SC2, my drug... tongue.gif

My last work in progress : Falkland's War mod : the british counters in work (they use british, french and US counters)


And a little private research about new terrains for SC2, for future "operationnal mods"


[ April 15, 2006, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: fantomas ]

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fantomas, tell your friends to enter your email address when they place their order, and to enter your shipping details. The billing and shipping details can be different. That way, they pay and you get the goodies smile.gif


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Please, I do not read very good english : may you confirm me if my understanding of the process is ok :

1-I ask a friend do pre order for me the game

2-He do that. He enter his billing informations (e-mail, name and adress), and my mailing informations (E-mail, name and adress)

3-He choice one of the 3 options :

OPTION 1 :Digital delivery (Donwload the game directly on internet)

OPTION 2 : Mail delivery (shipping CD + printed manual)

OPTION 3 ( I prefer this option ): DOWNLOAD AND MAIL DELIVERY ) : Digital donwload + Shipping CD and printed manual)

4-He pay with card : Price is : 45 US dollars + 11 dollars shipping for Europe = 56 Us dollars. Correct ?

Have anything to be paid in supplement for option 3 ( Digital donwload and mail delivery) ? And how many ?

If yes, please indicate me the total price.

Sorry for all, but english language is no clear for me and it is very difficult to understand correctly the process (playing and modding SC are more easy ;) )

Thanks. I am happy to be able to play SC2 in some days !! tongue.gif

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Hi fantomas, essentially this is correct, but point 3 is not yet fully implemented. No choice is possible just yet until we fully launch the system. Until then, you always pre-order option 3, and the cost is $45 + $11. If you order two copies, like you said you would, then it's $45 + $12 ($1 extra per additional product).

Later on, when we switch from pre-orders to orders, the price for option 3 will be $55 + shipping, so essentially you're now saving another $10 per product, because we're such nice people smile.gif

Hope this helps!


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Originally posted by Moon:

Hi fantomas, essentially this is correct, but point 3 is not yet fully implemented. No choice is possible just yet until we fully launch the system. Until then, you always pre-order option 3, and the cost is $45 + $11. If you order two copies, like you said you would, then it's $45 + $12 ($1 extra per additional product).

Later on, when we switch from pre-orders to orders, the price for option 3 will be $55 + shipping, so essentially you're now saving another $10 per product, because we're such nice people smile.gif

Hope this helps!


" No choice is possible just yet until we fully launch the system"

"Until then, you always pre-order option 3 , and the cost is $45 + $11."

:( ????????????????????????????????? :(

Hum, excuse me english interpretation is difficult when expressions are complicated : I do not understand what I have EXACTLY to do.

What I want is that(even if the price is higher) :

1/ To pre order the game and receive it (CD + Printed manual)

2/ Now, being able to digital donwload the game.

My simply question is : Is it possible ?

Yes ? With option 3 ?

No ? How can I do to have the digital download AND to order cd + printed manual, even if the price is higher.

Thanks ;)

Sorry for my bad understanding, but the logical language is very different between french and english. Please, use very simply expressions and thanks for that smile.gif

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My friend has ordered the game for him this afternoon and he will do the same for me, this evening, in one or two hours.

After his own order, he has received a automatic e-mail from battlefront, with a N° of order.

So, I think that him and me will receive in 24/48 hours a e-mail with digital download code. Exact ?


Next hours will be longest hours of my life !!!!!!!! tongue.gif

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