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AI Suggestion for SC2 - RE: Sealion

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In a recent Sc1 game vs the AI, I let Russia fall to the Axis to see how it handled an invasion of the British Isles.

The AI could not mount a successful Sealion invasion of the UK. Why?

Though it had a large airforce it kept them back from the French coast and out of range for supporting invading land units.

It did not protect or screen transports that carried HQ units; which my British Navy sunk, and thus would land units without HQ support.

Nor did it build naval units to contest Allied control of the sea.

All of its threatened landings were in the south, none around Northern England.

Nor did it take any action to prevent US reinforcements from arriving in England.

It obviously did not research Long Range or Jets and thus my UK air fleets remained out of the Axis air strike range.

The AI needs instructions for what to build and research once Russia has fallen along with instructions on how to successfully launch and support an invasion of England.

PS: It also needs instructions on how to maximize its MPP production by conquering any remaining neutrals in Europe, after conquering Russia.

My suggestion is for the Axis AI to consider a random selection of 3 core strategies after Russia surrenders;

1. Conquer remaining neutral nations (Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Iraq) and territories (North Africa) before invading the UK.

2. Prepare to Invade the UK

------ Research Jets, Long Range and Bombers

------ Build Jets and Bombers

------ Move Jets and Bombers to the English Channel coast when Axis has superior numbers and support them with HQ units.

3. Build a Navy to control the Atlantic and disrupt merchant shipping before invading the UK.

----- Research Gunlaying Radar or Subs

----- Germany builds Ships (Surface ships or subs) in the Baltic. Italy builds subs in the Med.

----- When Fleet is equal in size to Allied Fleet venture into the Atlantic to sink the Allied Fleets and block all shipping to the British Isles.

----- Conquer Spain and Gibraltar so the Italian Fleet can sally forth into the Atlantic to support operations of the German fleet.

This gives the following six combinations:

Option 1 then 2 (Conquer all neutrals then invade UK)

Option 1 then 3 then 2 (Conquer all neutrals, then control Atlantic then invade UK)

Option 3 then 2 (Control Atlantic then invade UK)

Option 3 then 1 then 2 (Control Atlantic, Then Conquer all remaining Neutrals then Invade UK)

Option 2 (invade UK)

Option 1 (Conquer all Neutrals) then 3 (Control the Atlantic) then Invade North America, leaving the English isolated on their island. (Yes, I know its not realistic but it would be fun.)

Why six combinations? It makes for a more interesting endgame if the Human does not know what to expect and it makes the AI seem more human. :cool:

[ December 20, 2005, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Does anyone know if the canned strategies listed above be scripted with the AI scripting tools in SC2?

Will there be support for a scripted Conquest by Country Road Map for the the AI?

ie: Strategy 1: 1st Denmark > 2nd Low Countries

Will there be support for a scripted production & research road map for the AI?

ie: When Russia surrenders buy 1 chit in Jets if Jets < 5 else purchase 1 chit in Long Range if Long Range < 3

[ December 22, 2005, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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