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Detailing Land,Air and Sea Units

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Hello All i would like to ask the following questions.

1.>will there be diffrent Tank types like PzIVD,E,F1,F2,G,H,J PzIII E,F,G,H,J Panther A,D,G.Thats what i mean different Variants those types of tanks?

2.>will there be diffrent fighter types like Me109C,E,F,G Fw190A,D,F,G Ta152C,H and what about sub variants like Me109E3,G4,F2 etc etc?

3.>How about ships like Admiral Hipper, GrafSpee,Scharnhorst,Bismarck,the never built H Class ships,P Class ships and finally the Graf Zeppelin?.Will there be diffrences in detail between diffrent BBs?

4.>will the editor allow us to make these units in detail if you guys don't put them in the game?

5.>will the editor allow us make up our own paint schemes so that for example fighters don't look the same like Me109E looks identical to Me109F or G?

6.> Please tell me that there will be no limits set on the number of totall units we can have? i love to manage HUGE forces thats part of the fun for me :)

Sorry for the long list of questions but i thought i should make the most of my first post.

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Questions 1-3: wow, I sure hope that there won't.

What you are describing would correspond more to a game like Panzer General or even more, Steel Panthers.

SC1 is a grand strategy game (high abstraction level) and all the different types of equipment are built-in in the existing units. In SC1, a tank group could consist of ~500 (or even more) battle tanks and a lot of armored vehicles. So, there would be an assortisment of the tanks you describe, depending on the nation, combat doctrine and achieved tech level.

What, I've understood, SC2 will maintain the same principle: high abstraction, every single rifle or gun is not detailed. This is the strenth of SC, at least to me. The player can concentrate to strategy and not micro-management. If I want to play a tactical game, I play Steel Pathers.

(I think SC2 will have some less abstracted units as engineer corps or marines.)

Questions 4-5: There will probably not be that many different units so that you could make that many different graphics for them.

Question 6: I think there will be a standard scenario with some limits, but the players may choose to change them or not to apply them at all.

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Originally posted by willebra:

What, I've understood, SC2 will maintain the same principle: high abstraction, every single rifle or gun is not detailed. This is the strenth of SC, at least to me. The player can concentrate to strategy and not micro-management. If I want to play a tactical game, I play Steel Pathers.

And if wanted to play a grand strategic game which

modeled every single rifle or gun, I'd play a

Grigsby design... :D

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