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Does Engineer/Army unit on border trigger Soviet activation?

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I am not experienced enough to check out the script files, etc., but want to know if putting an Engineer unit on the border and having it build fortifications will trigger increased Soviet war readiness? In SC1, we needed to keep Armies away from that border, but Corps were OK. I read the file that suggested no more than 6 units in the region, but WHAT region, and what TYPE of units?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Here are the Soviet activation events. Unit types are not specified - only number and location.

; Axis abandon Soviet frontier positions resulting in a

; 2-3% increase in USSR activation towards Axis


#NAME= Warsaw/Konigsberg Garrisons in 1940 (USSR->Allies)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2



#DATE= 1940/01/01

; 2-3% activation increase towards Allies

#ACTIVATION= [2,3] [2]

; Axis abandon Warsaw OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 95,15 [0,0] [0,0] [1]

; Axis abandon Konigsberg

#CONDITION_POSITION= 94,12 [0,0] [0,0] [1]


; Axis abandon Soviet frontier positions resulting in an additional

; 3-5% increase in USSR activation towards Axis


#NAME= Warsaw/Konigsberg Garrisons in 1941 (USSR->Allies)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2



#DATE= 1941/01/01

; 3-5% activation increase towards Allies

#ACTIVATION= [3,5] [2]

; Axis have no units in or adjacent Warsaw OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 95,15 [1,1] [0,0] [1]

; Axis have no units in or adjacent Konigsberg

#CONDITION_POSITION= 94,12 [1,1] [0,0] [1]


; Axis have limited Soviet border positions resulting in a

; 3-7% increase in USSR activation towards Axis


#NAME= Soviet Border Garrisons in 1941 (USSR->Allies)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2



#DATE= 1941/01/01

; 3-7% activation increase towards Allies

#ACTIVATION= [3,7] [2]

; Axis have no units in or adjacent this border position OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 97,14 [1,1] [0,0] [1]

; Axis have no units in or adjacent this border position OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 97,16 [1,1] [0,0] [1]


; Axis have too many Soviet frontier positions resulting in a

; 5-10% increase in USSR activation towards Axis


#NAME= Axis Build Up For War With The USSR (USSR->Allies)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2



#DATE= 1940/06/01

; 5-10% activation increase towards Allies

#ACTIVATION= [5,10] [2]

; Axis have 6-8 units in or adjacent Warsaw OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 95,15 [1,1] [6,8] [1]

; Axis have 4-5 units in or adjacent Konigsberg OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 94,12 [1,1] [5,6] [1]


By the way, those contradictory descriptions of effects are pretty amusing (towards Axis?). And that last one is wrong - it says 4-5 units but checks for 5-6.

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