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Axis AI Notes - Ideas for Improvement in 1939 Scenario

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A collection of notes on how to improve the Axis AI for Patch 1.1

1. It would be nice if the Axis AI could be programmed to attack when Russia Readies for war, now it always seems to attack early - sometimes too early.

2. In 3rd game at game end Germany had 4 HQ units in Italy and 1 in Bulgaria. While there were 3 German units in range of the Bulgarian Unit there were no German units in range of the German HQs in Italy, there were however 6 German units without a HQ in north Eastern Germany.

3. Although Allied DOW Norway and Swedish readiness jumped to 56%, no German Reaction.

Solution: Add Diplomacy Scripts based on % leaning of Nations;

i.e. At 20% Pro-Axis Germany purchases Swedish Diplomacy chits, At 50% Pro-Axis Germany is 50% likely to purchase a diplomacy chit, (not the standard 10%). At 75% Pro-Axis Germany is 100% likely to purchase a diplomacy chits. Same for Spain and Turkey.

4. Italy Attacks Greece - Good idea, but why no Amphibious invasion script - i.e. Attack by sea if No British Navy, Attack by Land if British Navy.

5. Add Normal Dude's Sea Lion Scripts

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