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I had a Crash To Desktop last night

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I’m not sure what good this will do but I figure I should mention this anyway.

I was playing the 1939 scenario as the Axis and I had attacked Paris with a number of units. The last unit to attack eliminated the defender so the city was open but I didn’t have a unit to walk in, errrrrrrrr! Anyway, after that I pressed CTRL-P to open the production screen then I choose Army in the production box or whatever that section is called where you pick what to build and I clicked on a specific Army in the force pool section it was the last one on the list and that is when I got an error message. Unfortunately I didn’t write it down. Then I clicked on something (I think it was something in the error msg box that popped up) and the game CTD.

I tried going back into the game from the autosave file and duplicate the error but I couldn’t, every thing worked fine after that.

If it happens again, I’ll write down the error msg and be more specific about what I was clicking on before it happened.

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