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1942 Scenario & AI

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In Sc1 the AI will never use the strategies favored by humans to win.

Why not give the AI a chance to know these strategies and the fuzzy logic to employ them?


Human Axis will often withdraw German units and excess Italian units from North Africa to Europe and so they can be used on the Eastern Front.


Green - 0% AI Knows this strategy

Beginner - 50% AI knows this strategy

Expert - 100% AI knows this strategy and may use it.

Simarily, the Allies will often send their Navy to the Med after Brest falls to the Allies.

Green - 0% AI Knows this strategy

Beginner - 50% AI knows this strategy

Expert - 100% AI knows this strategy and may use it.

Likewise the Human Western Allied player will often operate all air units to the UK to support his D-Day invasion of France.

Green - 0% AI knows this strategy

Beginner - 50% Ai knows this strategy

Expert - 100% AI knows this strategy

Thus at higher AI levels the AI will have a wider range of options for its fuzzy logic to consider.


At Beginner the Western Allied AI may know:

1. Withdraw Air Fleets to UK

and not know

1. Send Navy to Med.

Thus the Fuzzy logic will say:

IF Goal is D-Day then - Withdraw Air Fleets to UK

[ January 07, 2006, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Moreover, the AI needs to be able to select a stragegy that will guide its actions. As the AI gets more intelligent it should know of more strategies and offer a less predictable game.

Example: 1942 Scenario Allied Western Allied Strategies

1. D-Day Invasion of France

2. Liberate Nordic Countries

3. Control North Africa

4. Invade Sicily

Beginner AI may only know the D-Day strategy.

While the Expert AI may select from all 4.

Select D-Day Invasion of France

This leads to:

1. Operate Air Untis to UK

2. Take Brest Strategy after US builds HQ unit

Select Control North Africa Strategy

This leads to:

1. Move UK Fleets to Staging Area off Gibraltar

2. Move Transports to Staging Area behind Fleets

3. Move to Take either: Sicily or Italian Libya or Engage forces attackig Egypt from behind.

[ January 07, 2006, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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