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Editing/Scenario design questions

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Hi to all, great game and great posts. I downloaded the game prior to getting underway and was only able to mess with it for an hour or two. So, this forum is invaluable for setting me up on return to port. Question concerning editing based on the downloaded manual and your posts (keep in mind I do not have the game with me.)

1.) The amphibious landing thing is bugging me.

- In the game “as is” it seems you can technically land on any coastal hex. This makes it difficult to simulate the limitations of early amphibious operations. There were very few locations that could support major amphibious landing represented by this games scope.

* Can you edit land tiles to prohibit movement for some or all units?

* Can you develop new land tiles, i.e. beaches?

* If so, would it be feasible to tie Amphibious Operations into Technology. As an example, tech levels1-4 increase amphib bonuses but you are still limited to landing locations, however, at tech 5 all coastal hexes become valid amphib targets

- In the game “as is”, if you have the troop numbers available, you can set them up to block all coastal hexes. There is no way to "fight your way" into a guarded beach head, unless you land on an empty tile and move to contact.

* Can amphibious transports be given combat capabilities? Once again tie in tech levels to increase amphib lethality and capabilities through research and development. Or allow unloading units on the sea tile adjacent to the occupied coastal tile for a one turn period. If the assault is unsuccessful the attacking unit is significantly reduced (or eliminated)and reloaded in transports

2.) Special Elite unit capabilities

- There seems to be incredible flexibility already tied into the game for customizing your units. However I’m wondering:

* Can you add a target data category such as Amphibious Attack and Defense?

(this would facilitate building Marine Units… ooh-raw!)

* Can you tie in terrain modifiers to certain units to simulate specialized training. Examples would be, mountain troops can negotiate and receive better combat modifiers in mountain terrain than normal troops; cold weather troops receive similar bonuses for snow and ice conditions and advanced Marine units could negotiate marshes and rivers more effectively.

* Can you tie “elite” only reinforcements for designated units. This would obviously simulate the additional cost and time required to train Marine, Mountain, Airborne, Special Forces units and replacements

3.) Terrain tiles

- To address a common complaint I have heard in SC2 and SC1 forums concerning lack of roads and railroads. Can you:

* develop new tile “major road/railway” overlays (using modified existing border tiles). Associate normal open terrain attributes to the tiles with road overlays and then adjust the other tiles (including open terrain) to effect more difficulties in movement. Of course this would probably also require adjusting unit action points.

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* Can you edit land tiles to prohibit movement for some or all units?

Welcome aboard, MasterChief.

You can edit terrain movement for any type of tile.

One of those - the "depression" tile, is impassable in default game, and so far, only used for... Qatara in Egypt.

* Can you develop new land tiles, i.e. beaches?

Not unless you "mod" or change another already existing tile using the Editor; currently no way to create unique, or special tiles.

* If so, would it be feasible to tie Amphibious Operations into Technology.
No "amphib tech." Though, research achievements in "Infrastructure" category REDUCES cost of amphib and transport.

* Can amphibious transports be given combat capabilities?

You can only edit Air, Bomber, Naval, Carrier and Sub DEFENSE for transports and amphib.

* Can you add a target data category such as Amphibious Attack and Defense?


* Can you tie in terrain modifiers to certain units to simulate specialized training.

* Can you tie “elite” only reinforcements for designated units.

* develop new tile “major road/railway” overlays (using modified existing border tiles). Associate normal open terrain attributes to the tiles with road overlays and then adjust the other tiles (including open terrain) to effect more difficulties in movement. Of course this would probably also require adjusting unit action points.
Only the Game Designer can add new tiles.


You could "simulate" higher "road/rail" movement rates by adjusting various tiles, and unit AP's.


That's an awful lot of "no's" eh?

Thing is... ALL of the items you have mentioned have been discussed in Beta Forum in one way or another, at one time or another.

There will probably be some "enhancements" added later.

Who knows if any of those will be from the list above?

Not impossible. :cool:

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Thanks for the timely input. I was kind of expecting all the “no’s”. Exceptional game and engine regardless. I’ll make do with what there is, which is exceptional. I want to develop a remake of Tactics II (with a couple SC2 flares of course). Guess I have a nostalgic streak for the game that got me started.

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