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Kuniworth vs Noknok Waterloo AAR

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It was a gamble from my part, I was using the entrenchment to try and wear Kuni down while waiting for the prussians. Stalling for time all the way. Regarding that it went ok. The English and prussians had plenty of MPP to go around.

I just made some critical errors in exposing my flanks too much and having a very static defense.

I did have loads of fun with my cannons! The French wisely kept a respectable distance.

A very nice game smile.gif Surely enjoyed my first TCP/IP game. GG to Kuni for baring with me on my first online game.

Ohh and Vista ***** (censorship for the younger people).

[ March 11, 2007, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: n0kn0k ]

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Ok somethings for the new versions that needs to be altered;

- cavalry less effective, infantry should dominate as they did historically

- Maybe light cavalry should move 4 and heavy cavalry 3 tiles?

- different kinds of victories(decisive, minor etc)

- prussians need to be stronger

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