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Attacking USA Early (summer 1941)?

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Hi all,

I'm fairly new to the game, having played SC1 against the computer and one friend (don't know any others who have it), and currently playing SC2 for a few months against the comp (connection doesn't seem to work with the same friend with SC2). Looking for players too, but this is not a topic for invitations:).

question is whether somebody tried to do an early raid on the USA? Just tried it like this:

Ultra-fast Germany (France fell in april), taking along Denmark, Norway, Greece, and Tunisia and Algeria with the Italians. Research for Germans the usual (IW3, and some other random stuff like LR and GLR), and for the Italians Amphib (got to lvl 4) and IW 1).

I wanted to try it with the Italians but utterly failed and got wiped out. I hoped to negate the supply problem with the amphib but it didn't work.

Any others who've tried a more succesfull strategy like this?

PS: If anyone would want to play me in the future it's fine, I do seem to be better with the allies then the axis in this game btw

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You'll trigger a free US army of 1 HQ, 2 corps an army and a tank. Russia will also be unmolested.

Not sure about the AI, but against a human, it won't work. Actually you wouldn't really be allowed to do it as most HvH games have a no-neutral-US-fleet-moves rule, which implies a no-Axis-landings-in-North-America. The very fact that that's unstated indicates that no one has considered a US attack as a valid possible Axis move.

If you want to do something wacky, and if your opponent is the AI or is relatively inexperienced, you can try attacking Russia in June 1940. Head for the mines and then the Caucasus. Takes a lot of micromanaging to make sure you don't trigger the Siberians until you're ready and, frankly, it relies on your opponent making mistakes or getting depressed smile.gif .


; This event will be called (by the game engine) when either Canada or US is

; invaded by Axis units


#NAME= USA Mobilizes National Defense

#POPUP= US Mobilizes National Defense

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0





; Set Condition Position:

; 1st Line - Axis units within range of Washington D.C.

; 2nd Line - Axis units within range of Ottawa

; 3rd Line - Axis units within range of Halifax

; 4th Line - Axis units within range of St. John's

#CONDITION_POSITION= 2,23 [7,7] [1,1] [1]

#CONDITION_POSITION= 8,19 [3,3] [1,1] [1]

#CONDITION_POSITION= 14,20 [3,3] [1,1] [1]

#CONDITION_POSITION= 23,17 [3,3] [1,1] [1]

#UNIT= 0 [10] [1] [] HQ

#UNIT= 1 [10] [0] [] Corps

#UNIT= 1 [10] [0] [] Corps

#UNIT= 2 [10] [0] [] Army

#UNIT= 6 [10] [0] [] Tank

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Thanks, I knew about the National Defense, but hoped to go around that by settling for a firm position in the attacking turn. Considered the early Russia, but haven't tried it yet. Seems the first few turns you should be alright, but then you have incomeproblems. Plus the early Ussia you could also take the Baltics, but then the (human) opponent would know what you are planning.

Ever tried something strange yourself? (I.E. attack Finland or something like that). Seems all small variations of the standard game (axis) seems the only thing to do (read: raid as much as you can until barby, avoiding counries like Swiss)

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My first ~8 HvH games were 1940s Russia ones. It worked more often than it failed, but I had everything timetabled with very little margin for variation. All it took was one little spanner (which any experienced player will be able to provide) and I was boned.

For example, a weak UK European landing in late 1940 would be enough to throw my plans. Also, Spain was easier to diplo back then and you needed the extra MMPs and garrisons.

Pre-barby your big decision is whether to attack Spain/Vichy or not. I believe that Finland would be a mistake, but Sweden is a possible (as the Allies will almost certainly be in Norway). You can do a Sealion, but that's pretty risky.

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I find SeaLion pretty useless because of the early activation of russia. You must combine it with a strong Med attack to succeed, and you cant have both, in my experience. Sweden can be nice to do and is fairly easy (2, maybe 3 turns). US is going up a lot most of the time, and I dont like them early in the game as I find myself 'not ready' then. But I think thats a matter of taste and experience too (the latter I do not really have. A fun thing is to place a bomber in Malta. Tried that and was succesful with it against the italians and good reconnaissance. Plus the corps can really annoy that empty Libian city if used properly

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The only chance of doing it really against a human player is the following. I pulled it off once and REALLY pissed my friend off. I have never tried it since (although I might Gavin so keep a corp in DC at all times when you play allies aginst me! prefarably a really expensive tank ALL GAME!) and the intention was not actually to take US in the first place.

you wait until the US is in the war as washington must be empty and most of the country. As Operation torch or better yet D day starts and there will be few US troops there and they will be places in New york or boston most likely. so it means the opposite player must have not garrisoned DC. hell I'm sure we've all done it from time to time especially when Russia is being pounded and if Alex looks like it might fall.

send a motorised amphib unit ( german corp or spansh tank I think I did it with). I actually sent about 4 or 5 cheaps units with Franco HQ. my plan wasn't to take washington , I simply choose that the extra US units arriving was worth the US guy losing the inititive and I aimed to take Philly and some of his oil, hold it for a few turns and maybe force him to D day in autumn instead of psring / summer. I wans;t even sure I would actualy d it but as it takes months for them to get there I reckoned I's wait to see it a possible trick up my sleeve if I needed to buy time.

The units were very low on supply by the time they arrived off the US coast. D day was imminent and I was just about to take stalingrad and couldn't afford to operate big germans back to France / UK ( had sealioned and held London so about to win) to hold paris/ london. I figured he'd lose MPP at critical time, have to sent some ships to close off the threat of transports going quickly from Lisbon to the newly captured US ports and maybe operate a AF back. and besides it's fun to do some crazy stuff sometimes.

So they landed and took philly and oil and spotted that DC was empty. my last unit to land (all in same turn and IT HAS TO BE THE SAME TURN) was motorised and could take DC. before the extra Us army troops could arrive Franco was sitting in the White house rolling FDR down the stairs and making him surrender. game over. man was my friend pissed off. But crucially had even a basic corp been in DC he could have easily fought off my low on supply troops for one turn and then next turn the extar amercians arrive. ot if he had a cruiser patrolling the south atlantic (north atlantic is too busy to try this)

I suppose if you don't want to risk it you could always buy a LR german carrier to spot off the coast if DC is empty but this would cost a fortune and who the hell builds Jerry carriers against human players ??

As a distraction it might have worked but only because it would have been very short term. In the long run it strengthens the US.

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Hmm sounds interesting to do, and a better tought out plan then mine. Plus you dont need to use so many units, 1 to 3 is enough in fact. with luck you take DC, and with some less luck you annoy your opponent for quite a bit

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