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A thought about placing damaged buildings

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Hi all,

I just opened up a scenario and took a look around and noticed that all buildings on fire look damaged (obvouisly), now is there any way to replace the building on fire with one not on fire and keep the damage? (al la rubbled bridges). I dont really know but it just sorta struck me as a way to maybe work around it. Has anybody tried this (I bet all things have been tried by now but yknow)

well thanks for listening.


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No sorry, mate should have been clearer, what I meant was if you could use the same process as placing rubbled bridges and rubble on fire to be able to swap a building from on fire to partially damaged (not rubbled). So if I start with a building on fire view it and then swap it for a normal building would that create the desired effect?. Unfortunately it doesnt but maybe that is the way It could be implemented in the future.

Sorry I wasnt clear.


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The only time I was able to get a building to look damaged without it being on fire was to place it next to a rubble tile in a rubbled factory. The rubble tile effect 'crawls' up the side of the building.

You might want to experiment with that. Place various rubble tiles and then place various sized buildings immediately adjacent and see which will do which for the effect you are looking for.

As far as I know at this time there is no way to just have a generically damaged building standing alone.

Wait ... idea! Make a map, put some direct fire HE chuckers on map, start a hotseat game, fire at the buildings until damage shows, stop game, import map to another QB and check that out.

That is a real shot in that dark but may work.

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