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Canadians at war???


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Just a question about Canadian Units and Tactics in CM… I have been playing CM for a couple of months now and, to quote an Eighties band, “Luvin every minute of it”. I have played as Germans and Americans and have enjoyed quite a bit of success at either. However, just the other day I played against a friend of mine as Canadians in a quick battle and had my butt handed to me on a platter. I was defending a town (800pts) and he was on the attack (880pts) I must admit that my opponent played well, using his infantry and armour in support with one another. However, I anticipated his attack and he walked right into it. To my surprise, when his German infantry walked over my ambush markers my Canadian firepower left a bit to be desired. When I took a look at the firepower (enter button) I was surprised at how low it was. At this point I was in trouble as instead of causing some major damage with my infantry ambush I was instead being forced to pull back to a secondary line of defence. To boot, my 6 lbs’ers although having a wonderful rate of fire were far less effective than I might have hoped (he had left a mobile gun, half-track, and a artillery piece out in the open at about 400m away – my initial attack took out his mobile gun and got about 6 shots off at his artillery piece 88% to hit – and yet did not take it out before it turned and clobbered me).

I guess what I am asking is for advice on a good combination of Canadian units. I am Canadian myself and I suppose that I will figure out a system for myself, but I would love any advice that people might have.

Thanks eh (note the colourful Canadian slang),


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Yes, the Canadian platoon/company lacks punch on its own, but they have a good selection of vehicle support such as MMG Carriers, Humbers, Wasps and MG carrying HTs to supplement their firepower. The VickersMG is just ok, nothing more. The 6pnder and 17pnder AT guns are pretty respectable, as is the 40mm Bofors. I actually prefer the 6pnder for ambushes, though they can't always penetrate the front of some German AFVs. The 3" and 4.2" mortars are excellent for indirect support. The armour is limited but the Sherman, Firefly, Croc and Sexton are all useful for their intended role. Playing them, it's simply necessary to have a complete combined arms approach for your force, with each part supporting one another.

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Try not to get into very much melee combat, as your rifle squads don't have any close range firepower to speak of. Engage at 100-200m instead.

An interesting thing with the Canadian and British 4.2 inch mortars is that they have less blast than the US ones, and cost less.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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Get in close, and go at it like hockey players; this is quite literally the approach the real Canadian Army had to adopt. The lack of a GPMG like the Germans had was a very real drawback that was offset by the excellence of the 25 pounder gun. Canadian units in WW II very much relied on artillery; the same holds true for CM players.



CANUCK: Clothing, Equipping and Employing the Canadian Soldier in Combat Mission

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Thanks for the advice! I have been taking what you folk said to heart and it has been working quite well. However, I just found out that my opponent did not have 880 points -- he had 1324 points! When we started the quick battle we decided that the attacker should get at least a 10% bonus. So, we added that into the battle. Little did we realize that the attacker already had a 50% bonus giving him a total of 65% more points to work with (after adding the 10% ontop of the 50% bonus)!!! Now, I still think I could have done better -- but at least I am not delusional wondering where all his troops came from on a 880 point budget!

Thanks again,


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Michael Dorosh is half-right. I agree strongly that the Canadiens, like the rest of the Allies, relied heavily on artillery. However, please ignore Michael when he write's "get in close; go at it like hockey players." (I played hockey and I am sure it is nothing like war.) Most German infantry units (had) have higher fire power at all ranges, so the key is to mass what little firepower the Canadien's have at the German point of attack. (If you apply Michael's theory against German Sub Machinegun squads you will surely get crushed.) Good luck.

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Originally posted by Yaba:

Thanks for the advice! I have been taking what you folk said to heart and it has been working quite well. However, I just found out that my opponent did not have 880 points -- he had 1324 points! When we started the quick battle we decided that the attacker should get at least a 10% bonus. So, we added that into the battle. Little did we realize that the attacker already had a 50% bonus giving him a total of 65% more points to work with (after adding the 10% ontop of the 50% bonus)!!! Now, I still think I could have done better -- but at least I am not delusional wondering where all his troops came from on a 880 point budget!

Thanks again,


Believe me, this is a lot better than the first PBEM I hosted. Ever try to defend against an assault with a 50% bonus? Not fun. Not fun at all.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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The Canucks have the same problems that the British infantry do - too little firepower close-in fighting. But they are cheap and do have some advantages - the 2" mortar when properly used can suppress and cause casualties on German squads before you move up for the kill. Although you can't have an even infantry fight close-up, your vehicles can compensate - that Badger and the Wasp can burn out the Hun. The 25 lbr artillery can fire forever but has slow response time so plan way ahead.

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