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equal ammounts of units

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Very few battles are totally equal. Usually when I make a battle I make sure that each side can win or achieve the mission goal. This doesn't have to mean that each side is absolutely balanced. For example, one side may have advantage in numbers but the ground favours the other side. Or, one side may have fewer units but these units are much more experienced than the opposition.

I always create the ground first, then think about how an attacker might take the ground. Then I think about what obstacles (enemy complement, fortifications, adjustments in the ground, and starting positions) I might put in their way to make it fun. Then I look at it from the defending standpoint and ask myself how difficult I want to make the defense.



I am Legend

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A lot depends on the type of battle you are designing, Jackson. Meeting engagements should be about equal.

In the editor, notice the points accumulate as you pick units. Try to get them so both sides have about an equal amount of points spent.

In attack-defend scenarios, you want about a 1 1/2 to 2 to 1 edge for the attacker.

Disaster has made some good points in his comments.

Testing will tell you what you need to do. If there are too many, you can remove some. That is what I call "fine tuning" the scenario and it can only be done with personal testing of both sides.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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