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EFOW and knocked-out enemy guns - too easy to find out?

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When playing with EFOW I feel it´s a bit too common that in case a gun´s taken out a second unit marker pops up. Ín case the gun is dead the crew is very often becoming visible under EFOW labelled as "Infantry?" or "Crew?".

Well, I haven´t seen a case yet when two unit markers do NOT mean the gun got knocked out and therefore it´s a pretty safe indicator that the threat is eliminated.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Personally I´d like to see a reduced chance to spot crews under EFOW.


[ November 17, 2002, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: Nolloff ]

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I don't think this is a bug. It seems a reasonable way to find out that the gun is knocked out. You are shooting at a gun, and suddenly you see the crew running away from it. Seems reasonable.

I have noticed that you have to do a separate spotting attempt against the crew, since in one case, the infantry marker appeared for the first time a bit away from the gun.

Now, if you play face-to-face, it seems like a good tactic would be to place some infantry hiding together with your gun, and have them run away when the enemy starts shooting at the gun. You may be able to fool them.

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Originally posted by tar:

I don't think this is a bug. It seems a reasonable way to find out that the gun is knocked out. You are shooting at a gun, and suddenly you see the crew running away from it. Seems reasonable.

Yes that would be reasonable, but I don't think it is what the original poster is complaining about.

Rather when you KO a gun teh crew often stays there - they might not have any morale problems, or they may be pinned, but for whatever rason they are NOT running away.

When that happens you get 2 enemy markers - 1 for the gun, 1 for the crew, so you instantly know the gun is KO'ed even tho you can't see it, and even though the crew are still right next to it and could be mannuing it for all you know if it weren't for those 2 markers.

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that´s exactly what I meant. I kinda negates the concept of EFOW.

Fire at the gun, you don´t even know which type, you don´t get any info if it´s taken out and it very well could have survived or be just surpressed or gone to hiding. But the crew popping up as an "Infantry?" unit marker in the same location reveals that it´s dead 100%.

Wouldn´t call it a bug, just a small weakness or inconsistency in the EFOW implementation.

Personally I wouldn´t mind if enemy crews would remain invisible 90% of the time. They increase realism but seeing units blasting away at them due to the lack of better targets is quite annoying. Waste of precious ammo and I feel sorry for the poor crews, sentimental person that I am.


[ November 18, 2002, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Nolloff ]

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