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Baptism of Fire (17th South of Carentan)

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this is a reworking of "Twilight for GvB" based on some feedback.

now, 'twilight' stands on its own, so you might want to think of this new one as a different scenario altogether.

it uses basically the same map as 'twilight,' but the main roads are lined with raised 'berms' (hedgerows) of mainly scattered trees instead of flat woods as they were before.

a 'chateau' has been added near the center of the board, and the 'orchards' are now more varied in their look.

the victory flags are more spread out, instead of all being concentrated in 'la billonnerie.'

the fallschirmjagers (german paras) are no longer all crack. battalion commander horst trebes is still there, but the organization underneath him is changed. it's basically two unreinforced companies, and some of the platoons are actually conscript! there is in any case one elite para platoon... from hq down to the 3 squads... i couldn't resist.

ok... the forces of the '17th ss panzergrenadier' are now '3 battalions'

there are 2 'battalions' of 27 squads apiece (9 platoons or 3 companies) and a 3rd, 'heavy weapons battalion.'

the heavy battalion is 16 hmg 42s and 8 81mm mortars, all loaded on trucks or stugs, and with accompanying (platoon, company, and battalion) hq units. the 14 stugs from the original scenario are still there, and are thought to be a part of the 'heavy battalion.' rounding out the heavy battalion are 3 towed 20mm guns, and the artillery spotters from 'twilight.'

there is also now a recon company, made up of 15 spw 250/9 and 7 spw 251/9s.

vehicle usage: in testing this one i'm breaking the vehicles up into small groups and using them to support the squads.

at least one source has referred to this attack as being a 'kampfgruppe' from the 37th and 38th pzgd regiments; so that's what i'm trying to represent here.

this scenario is a meeting action as opposed to the original, which was a german attack.

the tanks from the 2nd armored have been made part of a reinforcement force, and have supporting infantry and halftracks. the starting american paratroop force is weakened a bit.

it is 'daylight' and 'clear;' the ground is still 'dry.'

this 60-minute battle probably condenses events of 6 or 8 hours during the original.

about the tanks; just as in 'twilight,' the american tanks are all green. actually, in 'twilight' they were green and in 'baptism' they're 'mostly green.' the interesting part is that there are twice as many in 'baptism' than there were in 'twilight!'

don't worry though; if you play it, your spw 251/9s all have good 'c' loadouts. =grin=

this scenario reminds me a lot of 'putot,' in that the germans have an early advantage, then that massive u.s. armored force arrives.

right now i'm playing and on about turn 11 the going has been tougher than i'd expected; i got held up on the left road by an american roadblock, then the 105mm started falling in, and in a rush to get out from under that i lost a couple of stugs to some crack bazzes. hopefully the american roadblock is near disintegration; much of the infantry fighting is muddled and confused, with units from both sides intermingled in the woods and trees on the side of the road, often firing at short range at one another.

on the bright side i've already got an spw 250/9 near the top of hill 30 on the right.

in any event it looks like it will be a good fight to the end.

without giving too much away, this one definitely opens with immediate action on turn 1; so there should be non-stop fighting from start to finish. in 'twilight' the fighting often didn't start until turn 12 or 15 or so.

more on the similarities with putot:

1) germans open up with a fairly large advantage, greater than 2:1

2) american reinforcements include a great number of tanks

3) constant possibility of allied air attacks.

4) all allied unit slots filled

the points are quite a bit more now, 7053:11852 german:american.

gotta go now... the road to carentan is still open on the right...

if you would like to playtest, it is better to email andyth@qwest.net than mandchildstein@hotmail.com

oh.. one last thing... it might seem like there are way more units now, but there might actually be less, at least on the german side. the 81 (yes eighty-one) lmg 42s were removed to make room for all of the other stuff which was added. it turns out that perhaps modelling '125 mgs per battalion' wasn't the best idea from a 'unit management standpoint' (ums). i didn't mind it so much, but some of the feedback i received indicated otherwise.

i must say that manuevering squads around is more fun than moving lmgs around.

like i said, the road is open... gotta 'Go!'


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Name and Location: "Baptism of Fire"

Version Number: 3.0

Editor Version: 1.12

Date: 13 June 1944

Game Type: Meeting Action

Based On: Historical

Length: 60 Turns

Map: Huge (1600x1600m)

Conditions: Clear, Dry, Daytime

Play First As: Axis against Computer (either default or free setup)

Description: Elements of '37th and 38th Panzergrenadier Regiments,' 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division, supported by 'StuGs of the 17th Battalion,' (17th SS) and 'Paratroopers from 3rd Battalion, 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment,' attack elements of 'U.S. 82nd and 101st Airborne' (501st, 502nd, 506th Brigades?), supported by 'tanks and armored infantry from 2nd Armored Division.' 7440:13093 German:U.S. points.

Author: Andy Thomas

ok... uploading to Admiral Keith's and Manx'...

this one really rocks! there is fighting from turn 1 onward...


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