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More updates at Der Kessel then you can throw stick bombs at!!!

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Hi everybody

we are very pleased to announce the New Year and New Millenium update of Der Kessel with a host of goodies for everybody. We have a new, and easy to remember URL at www.DerKessel.com, the site has undergone a layout change (please let us know what you think), and we have tons of new stuff for download.

Grego (aka mensch) has been playing with Photoshop again (his one redeeming feature is the ability to do this smile.gif and added camo netting to JohnS Tiger's Tiger I. You won't get it more historical than that.

We would like to welcome Anthony Cooper to our group. He has been rummaging through the books he bought at the GPO, e.g. 'Three Battles - Arnaville, Altuzzo and Schmidt' and has made a number of historical scenarios based on these early postwar US Army studies. Can't get it much more historical than that without having been there mefinks.

Helge has supplied us with the map he made for the CPX, and his first attempt at the Cintheaux map, a very nice map, albeit not accurate for disctances as the one he finally used in the Cintheaux scenario. He may also have some historical scenarios "The Bloody battle of Tilly la Campagne - 25th July 1944", "The Crown of Thorns - Hill 112 - 10th July 1944" and the Operation "Halpenny Force - 8th August 1944" later.

Andreas has been a slacker but will have some scenarios (semi-historical and historical) up early next month. Watch this space.

So go there, download all the stuff and get on with it. You know you want it. http://www.derkessel.com'>www.DerKessel.com - be inspired!

Die Sturmgruppe

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