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Demo taught me well... and Kudos on CMBB

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For all the pros and cons of the demo scenarios, they have taught me well. In all but one battle since I got it (admittedly, today ;) ) I've kicked the AI good and hard.

I've got to give the scenario designers credit. It seems they've really taken advantage of the new features. Andreas, hats off to you -- and all the other scenario designers -- for the two scenarios of yours I've played (I'd be specific towards the others too, but I can't remember who did 'em). The maps have been just beautiful to look at. Some great "opening camera shots" in there too. Real purty.

I don't generally like to field above a company of infantry in CMBO, but I've been handed a battalion in all but two games so far and it's been a joy.

And don't even get me started on the QB generator. Sheesh! That's a lot of stuff. I'll work throught it all eventually. I really appreciate the new organization for unit purchases, too.

Ok ok, before someone gets sick of reading pages of praises, I'll go back to mauling the various Eastern powers.

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