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operation map

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What does it mean?

I saw this feature somewere,and do not understand it very well.Is it a kind of grand tactical map 24 square kilometers,developing into tactical battles on 9 s/kilo? If so,this is great,meaning we can fight on both,tactical and grand tactical levels.

So...what about this 24 s/k map?

Thank you in advance!

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In CM, Operations are kinda like big scenarios that last for two or more battles. It usually consists of a bigger map of which a part is used in each battle, depending on how the front line moved in the previous engagement. The goal of an Operation might be, for instance, for the Brits to advance three kilometers within four 20-turn battles, but in each battle you would see only, say, 1500 meters for conviniency's sake. It's not really Operational level, just a certain kind of scenario.

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