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New " Monte Cassino style " scenario finished

Guest Tom

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Hi all ,

new to this board and total addicted to this incredible game. Thanks to BTS for the best tactical WWII simulation ever made and - imho - the best pc tool ever.

Today I finished my first scenario. I would be glad to hear some opinions about it.

My " Battle of San Martino "scenario deals with a fictional engangement between a Polish regiment and German paratroops in Italy 1943/44. The Germans have to defend the so called " Gustav Line " to prevent the allies from reaching Rome and so they have made the old Abbey San Martino to their center of defence.Without taking this stronghold , the allies can´t advance to the north.....

Reminds you of " Monte Cassino " ? Well..that was my original intention.

( an original Monte Cassino scenario wouldn´t fit to CM´s scale )

I suggest to play the German defenders against the AI in your first game.

If you think it´s boring to play against the attacking AI ? Wait and see...

You will encounter nasty surprises for both sides.

I haven´t playtested this scenario for PBEM , so I can´t say wether it´s balanced or not.

P.S.: There is no OOB in the mission briefings , so it´s VERY IMPORTANT to check your troops before the battle starts.

You can download this new scenario from my CM website ( under construction ). Go to " scenarios " and choose the " fictional " section.

Thanks in advance ( and...excuse me for my poor english )


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Hi Rob ,

thanks for your advice. I checked my sourcecode , but can´t find any errors.. (??)

Does the navigation button works for you ?Didn´t you get access to the scenario site or to the scenario ?

In case of problems: Here is the direct link to download " The Battle of San Martino ":


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

Tom you fic section in scenarios dose not work just thought I would let you know.


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Hi Rob ,

thanks for your advice. I checked my sourcecode , but can´t find any errors.. (??)

Does the navigation button works for you ?Didn´t you get access to the scenario site or to the scenario ?

In case of problems: Here is the direct link to download " The Battle of San Martino ":


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

Tom you fic section in scenarios dose not work just thought I would let you know.


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I also wasn't able to access the scenario. I clicked on the "fictional" button, but nothin' happened. The navigation buttons worked fine, and I got to the scenario site, but no further.

Looks like a very interesting scenario.


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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Thanks for your great scenario. What a bloody mess it was to take the high ground, but the Poles made it with enormous losses tough. They seized the monastery after a horrible house to house combat, but in no way were they able to make a push to the bridge. I had a lot of fun playing it. Thanks again.


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