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Need Opinions for Scenario

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Ok guys, I got a river battle with the Russians (Brits and US tanks) on one side and the Germans on the other. There is like 5 road bridges, 2 rail bridges and like 7 fords. The map is based off a world war 2 sized Gronzy. Both sides even at 3500 with 6 Superpershings (no tungsten) vs. 5 King Tigers, few guns, battalion or so of infantry per side.

Both sides start very close so I made it pretty short at 30 turns, dawn, clear, damp ground. But most action takes place on the city streets with the tanks dropping buildings and playing cat and mouse with each other.

Seems pretty fair, need some playtesters to try it out pbem.

Any ideas? Anyone want to like a look and give me opionions?

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