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Won't play; OpenPlay.dll not found

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Got CMBB in the mail today. Installed fine. Clicked on shortcut and got message OpenPlay.dll not found. Reinstalled 4 times. Same deal. During reinstallation, installer asks if I want to copy over OpenPlay.dll, so it sees it but it doesn't.

System specs

Dell 8200, P4 1.8 GHz, 256 MB ram, XP home, Nvidia 64MB DDR Geforce3 Ti 200.

Like I said; Help!

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First check to see if openplay.dll is in the root cmbb directory. If yes, run dxdiag and check to see if your directx is up to date. (i.e. Version 8.1).

If all of the above checks out, then it probably is a registry entry.

However, you may want to try the following:

Uninstall CMBB. Then, copy the entire cmbb installer from the CD on to your hard drive (like your desktop). Then run the installer from there.

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Thanks for your help. I uninstalled and reinstalled one more time but no difference. However, instead of trying to use the desktop shortcut I went to the program files and clicked on the Barb to Berl icon and it played. I don't know why I can't drag this thing to the desktop and have it work, but it only works from the program files.

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