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Green troops can't win!

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I played a assault mini game 300 points.

I was playing a mixed force of American troops against veteran heer troops.

My American green force was assaulting.

Well I got creamed, when first shots rang out the American troops turned and fled.

This was magnified when the became out of command range.

The battle was very short.

Is there any way to win with green troops against higher quality troops?


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Take it slow. Get your troops in good firing positions and fire at enemy from different angles. And don't worry about ammo usage.. just keep enemy surpressed and if you fire from wide angle at them they hopefully break..

And keep them in command radius, and plan ahead.. you don't want to wait 50s for squad to start moving smile.gif



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For the same points spent, the greens actually ought to win that one. They are harder to command, no question. But with attack odds and green vs. vet cost differences, you should have more troops and firepower than the defenders.

It helps to have some sort of artillery support for them, though, even just 81mm. That can keep down the heads of the guys they need to attack up close. You have to wait considerably longer to assault with greens, letting the ranged fire do more of the work.

Keep the men in command, and do not try to "bound" forward with all of them at once, if you expect to take fire. Instead, have half of them cover the other half. It helps if you pick out a platoon with "morale" add for your "point" (the heart), and one with "combat" add for the shooter (lightning). And give the shooter your MMGs (if you have them).

Occasionally you will get into hot water and see them ready to come apart. Do *not* push them. If you push them when they are wavering, they will just break and become useless.

Instead, if they are in trouble, issue "withdraw-run" orders to all of one platoon - they can use that to retreat without command delay. Set the destination to your own side of some body of cover, so the woods or buildings block LOS altogether. And send their HQ back with them, to rally them.

Keep the platoon together. If one or two of its units are in better morale shape, have then protect the others but back in the same body of cover, just on its enemy-facing side. A neighboring platoon to the side can also cover them, by being able to shoot the open ground ahead of them. Keep the platoon about 100-200 yards from each other, to be close enough for mutual support, but seperated so they do not get mixed together, or all get hit by the same arty barrage.

When a platoon comes back like that, send another one forward, preferable in the different place. Keep the pressure on if you have the strength for it. You do not want the enemy facing only one platoon at a time. You have time to rally shaken men and get them back into the fight, but not if you lose their comrades in the meantime. You want to get two of your platoons hitting one defending one, or all of one of your platoons hitting a team or squad at a time.

Remember that it is only their nerve that is "brittle". Their actual numbers are deep. Casualties themselves will have little effect on you, compared to rout and rally. Not so the enemy. He can't afford to trade men with you evenly. That means he is at his strongest at the start of the engagement, or at the moment when the first platoon of yours wavers. He is weaker later in the fight, as his ammo runs dry, here, and many of his men are down, there. Greens win in the "4th quarter", sometimes the 3rd.

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