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New CMBB battle for Stalingrad pier

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I have just finished my first CMBB scenario:--"Ferry Ticket of Volga". It is about the fighting of the ferry pier of Stalingrad. I've spent some time to read related material to make this historical scenario.

I think it properly recreates the difficulties of fighting in the ruin of Stalingrad.

This is my first mission. Hope you enjoy it. Please give me comment.

Combat Mission Scenario Depot

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Ouch! Too much for me. The force mix & situation in this one is certainly not my strong suit, still... "Tougher than Cemetery Hill", like my grandma always says...

Couple things I could say: first, having just that one flag would really sting if I made it *almost* there, only to run out of time. A small flag along the way to gain overtime in the case of progress seems only fair. Second, for me personally, having reinforcements come onto the board in direct LOS of heavy enemy fire is a drag, (and this is with Default setup, even). With all the buildings around, I would think that they could come in to a safe alley pocket easily enough...

It was nicely different in flavor, but on the difficulty of it, I'll have to let someone else rate it for you. For me it was hopeless enough that I could only play with half a heart, and my results are meaningless. Otherwise, good map and interesting scenario. But hey- I get toasted in GeflatchterAqualung too. smile.gif


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