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CMMOS Conversion Step-by-Step: Part 4, the Description.txt File

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(Following is Part 4 of CMMOS conversion instructions for Panzermartin's T-34/76 hasty whitewash tank. To join in please see the previous Parts linked below)

CMMOS Step-by-Step Part 1

CMMOS Step-by-Step Part 2

CMMOS Step-by-Step Part 3

Now that we have the mod BMP files suffixed and the Info.txt file created and saved, we're ready to do the Description.txt file. Compared to the Info.txt file, this one's a breeze.

We can put anything into the Description.txt file that we want, all that CMMOS cares about is that we put SOMETHING there. The information we put in the file will show up in the large box in the lower left corner of the Mod Add/Remove screen of the CMMOS Configure Window. Gordon likes to call it the "Owner's Manual" for the mod.

So, open a fresh blank Windows Notepad, and let's make our Owner's Manual. Here's what we'll type into Notepad:

Hasty whitewashed T-34/76 Model 1943 (late).

NOTE: Use CM Mod Option Selector (CMMOS) to install this mod.

This mod is released for free unrestricted use to the Combat Mission community. Feel free to do anything you like to it, so long as modified versions are labeled as such, and credit is given both to Panzermartin and any prior author (In this case, BFC). This mod may be freely posted for downloading, but not charged for.

CMMOS conversion by \insert YOUR name here, you clever bastard, you!\

There. That's it, Description.txt file done. Save the file into your Workspace folder as "Description.txt". As with the disclaimer in the Info.txt file, I've used a more or less "boilerplate" copy of Gordon's standard wording for the Description.txt file. If you're so inclined, re-word it as you see fit.

Next in line for our conversion is the Rule file. Now, rules in CMMOS are the heart of the BMP swapping system. They tell CMMOS what BMP files to re-name and install in your CMBB /BMP folder.

Each Rule in CMMOS is assigned a number, simply to prevent "published" CMMOS mods from being given the same rule number by two different mod authors or mod converters and colliding. The keeper of these numbers, the Arch-Scribe of CMMOS, is none other than (bet you guessed!) Gordon Molek himself. Since this tutorial is rather "public", I've e-mailed Gordon and gotten a rule number for our Panzermartin T-34/76 conversion. We all get to use this number, it's reserved just for us for this on-forum tutorial. :D Our number from Gordon is Rule101-381.

For the curious, the "101" part of the number will tell CMMOS that this mod is going into Rule-set or tab number 101. That's the tab for whitewashed Winter Soviet AFVs (Zimniy Kamuflyazh). The "-381" is the number that Gordon has assigned us for this specific mod.

Now that we have our Rule number, we're all set to write our rule file. We'll start that in the next episode - stay tuned. smile.gif

- Old Dog

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Please go on sir,

Your class is all attentive, never mind the end-of-period-bell.


Charl Theron




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