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HQ Abilities

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I know that Arty Spotters are less effective when they are hidden(less accurate, slower rate of fire adjustment), but does the same hold true for HQ units? If the HQ is in command of a unit, does that unit fight less effectively because The HQ is hiding? I wouldn't know how to measure the difference

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Arty spotters aren't less effective when hidden... for one thing they can't call down arty while being hidden.

You're thinking of a situation in which arty spotters do not have a clear, unobstructed LOS to the target they are calling fire on.

To answer your question, HQ units do not loose effectiveness while hidden. In fact, HQ units in command of other hidden units will help ensure that the unit remains hidden (i.e. doesn't get nervous and open fire too early).

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Thanks for the reply, Specterx, but with all due respect, I think you're incorrect about Arty spotters and their capabilities while hidden. If you look at an excellent thread posted by russellmz on 1/20/01 on the General CM forum, he addresses many FAQ's, one of which clearly states that Arty spotters can still spot while hidden, they are just less effective in doing so.

That being said, I'm still not sure about the answer to my original question, that being whether HQ units are also less effective in directing troops while they themselves are hidden.

Any other insights would be greatly appreciated.

Originally posted by Specterx:

Arty spotters aren't less effective when hidden... for one thing they can't call down arty while being hidden.

You're thinking of a situation in which arty spotters do not have a clear, unobstructed LOS to the target they are calling fire on.

To answer your question, HQ units do not loose effectiveness while hidden. In fact, HQ units in command of other hidden units will help ensure that the unit remains hidden (i.e. doesn't get nervous and open fire too early).

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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Psyched:

That being said, I'm still not sure about the answer to my original question, that being whether HQ units are also less effective in directing troops while they themselves are hidden.

Any other insights would be greatly appreciated.

I note that their command radius is unaffected. Can't say about the remainder of their attributes though (if present), since I have no way of directly measuring them.


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HQ units can spot for mortars with no problem when hidden. In fact it's a good idea.

Artillery spotters can spot when hidden, but count as being out of sight with all the disadvantages that brings. There was a long thread about this on the main board not long ago.

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