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Help! Is my use of close smoke 'gamey'? [Possible SPOLIERS for Death Ride ot 424]

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Here's the deal, I'm playing Death Ride of the 424 as the Axis. Since I gotta stick to the roads to avoid bogging 1/4 of my tanks I'm forced to advance into the 'death traps' formed by the town since I don't have the time to take it slowly. I've developed a technique that's actually pretty successful but I worry that it's 'gamey'.

Basically I put smoke in in three places.

1. In front of any flanking 'keyholes' or spaces between buildings where the Soviets could get in a flank shot as I advance. This seems to work pretty well to protect me from flank ambush.

2. At the far end of the roads as I'm about to enter their straightaways (this is the same theory as above, except to protect me from any ambushes set up staright ahead). Interestingly enough this makes the AI advance his tanks out of the carefully prepared cover and into the roads where I can smack them with three tanks advancing abreast.

3. In front of and around my lead tanks as they emerge from cover. This seems to make them unspottable (or less likey to be spotted and hit) while still enableing them to spot the Soviets.

I'd like to know two things about each of these smoke laying tactics:

1) Is this even remotely realistic? Especially for numbers 2&3 it seems that I may simply be exploiting a corner case of the game engine and the TacAI.

2) If it is possible in RL, would any of the three above actually have been used by the Germans? Was this accepted practice at the time, or am I innovating successfully but ahistorically? Not that I'll nessecarilly stop but I'm curious, and of course if it is ahistorical I wonder if there is a way to win this scenario using historical tactics?


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I don't know about your use of smoke but I did get a win on this the first go. I just split up and drove through the village. Use "Hunt" and do NOT use covered arcs! Leave your TacAI free to deal with the Bolsheviks. It does ok. I'm not saying you won't loose any tanks doing this but they should loose more. Keep the Panthers back enough to minimize flank shots on them.

I actually had more problems with the anti-tank guns (problems like not being able to see the b*stards!) than the tanks.


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Here are my 2 cents...

If you plotzed the smoke all over once you'd picked up at least one contact, even a sound contact, great friggin' use of smoke - you're to be congratulated.

If you plotzed all the smoke around without any evidence that there were enemies in town, it was gamey. Still really nice use of smoke, just gamey.

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Very gamey spoiler for Death Ride of the 42.







i find that its best to drive 1 tank using fast down the fast roads + button it to stop the tc getting killed. This tank should speed past all the heavy Ivans and then rotate it on the flag so its pointing back down the road. Now all the IS2's will come out of the hidy holes and you can blast them with the rest of your king tigers as they advance slowly (and I mean slowly, got to give those tanks time to move). Just taking this one flag is enough to give you a total victory, I would not move the rest of your force out of the town as it will get mauled by the anti tank guns.

Now that is gamey, I wounder if you can speed the whole axis force through the town?

[ December 05, 2002, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Makes The Jelly Judder ]

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