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I'm Newbie. One question?

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How I can do a unit covers avanze with another one using the element smoke to defend it of the enemy. I do not see that the element smoke appears in the menu.

In the menu only appears the word "target" but non "Smoke".

sorry for my english.

I use an Internet translator


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Thanks for that link - well worth the read even though it was slightly indecisive.

Of course, the hint that smoke could form a major part of CM2 might just persuade me to actually get this one, as I'm currently wavering on the differences between the two games.

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Well, here's my take on the subject:

Smoke grenades available within squads should automatically be used to cover a retreat, using the Withdraw command.

This smoke isn't very dense, nor of any lingering effect, so it doesn't need to be represented visually. The only effect would be to reduce the effect of enemy fire through the area (~15m diameter, or so) originally occupied by the withdrawing squad.

The probability of this being implemented in CMBO is in my estimate very close to nil, but hopefully something like it will make it later on...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Infanrty smoke in WW2 was generally used for marking targets for air strikes. Steel Panthers is wrong to have so much smoke around to use. It was always one of my pet peaves with that game along with the spotting. But thats off topic and I don't want to get this thread locked down. biggrin.gif

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