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Good Day at the Office

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Never started any sort of brag thread before, but this was so cool, and unprecedented in my play, that I have to pipe up.

Played a QB as Sov's. German assault, +100% against a village held by my motorized inf. It was a real bloodbath, which I won easily because the AI only bought one Panther for AFV support. Once he was out of the way, the two platoons of T-34 M43's that I bought went to town.

One of them, deftly commanded by Ser. Kachalov, sent a whopping 94 Landser to meet their maker! This is easily the most havoc inflicted by a single unit that I've ever seen. What's scary is that one of the other T-34's in his platoon took out 42. Totall losses for the battle were on the order of 500+. Like I said, it was a bloodbath!

I have a screenshot which I would post, but have no idea how to do so without the image already being online somewhere. Needless to say, Comrade Kachalov was sent to bed with an extra ration of vodka. :D

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