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Let's see.

The Illuminati are gonna take over the world.

The militias are gonna take over our country.

"They're" trying to take away our guns.

"They" want you on anti-depressants.

A meteor will impact the planet and end all life.

A comet will hit the planet and end all life.

Terrorists are gonna do bad stuff.

Bush knew about 9-11.

Monsanto is poisoning everyone.

Priests are raping little kids.

The polar ice caps are melting and gonna flood the planet.

Armageddon is coming and the world is gonna end.

A space virus is coming and all plant life is gonna die.

The Isrealis have the biggest spy ring in the history of our country ever, on our shores right now.

Queen Elizabeth and the rest of the royal family are really lizards from outer space.

Aliens are gonna abduct ya.

The anti-christ is gonna get ya.

The boogie man is gonna get ya.

Yadda, yadda, yadda.............

Ok. Fine. What I want to know is: will CMBB REALLY be coming out in June or not? Is BTS ready for all of the orders that they are gonna get? Will there be preorders taken?

Will CMBB save us? ;)

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From Le Tondu:

Ok. Fine. What I want to know is: will CMBB REALLY be coming out in June or not? Is BTS ready for all of the orders that they are gonna get? Will there be preorders taken?

Will CMBB save us?

No. That's just another conspiracy theory. tongue.gif
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