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WWII reenacting, need some help.


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I just started the hobby of WWII reenacting.

i currently live in New York and have joined the Gross Deutschland divisions here and recently attended the Western front event in Odessa Ny this weekend.

What i need to know is where can i find good prices on equpiment! hehe the items i have now are a Heer M39 field cap, Canteen, Mess kit , E-tool with leather strap carrier, and breadbag. that alone cost me 200 bucks.

i have somone who is going to make my uniform for a good price but i need to know were i can get a good price on Y-straps, Zeltbahns, belts, boots, Gaskmask canister. anyone have any good priced websites? or know of anyone selling stuff thats in good condition ?

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I was company sergeant major of a GD unit here in Canada - do NOT use original items in the field, it goes against the whole purpose of re-enactment. Do a google search and you will find many websites, or better yet - ask someone in your unit. Not sure why you wouldn't do that to start with, actually. Your squad leader should have a list of dealers - some will give discounts to units in good standing.

East German stuff is available in great quantities - most is not useable for WW II but the jackboots aren't bad, if resoled with leather and hobnailed.

The guy who ran our unit also ran a militaria store - every re-enactor was a "1000 dollar sale" as he put it. You will be spending a lot of money to get up to scratch whatever sources you find.

Gas Mask canisters are almost as expensive as helmets - try ebay; I think originals are your only bet here, but they are not as prone to damage like WW II era cloth items.

Check with your unit to see where they bought their stuff.

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Michael do you know sylvester Haas? the GD WWII vet? i talked with him at odessa saturday and he said he runs a GD unit up in canada, and ya he told me he isent picky about uniforms like the one her ein the states.

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