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CMBO: Area fire and friendly casualties?

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I've seen it said somewhere that AREA FIRE will be suspended if it would endanger your own troops. I cannot recall where I have seen that.

Does that apply just to direct fire units like tanks, etc...?

Does it also apply to FOs and off map artillery?

From what I have seen, I believe it is up to the player not to drop arty on his own forces during their advance, correct?


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I lost BOTH my artillery FO teams in one engagement to 'friendly' rocket fire. What annoyed me most was that the barrage was only half over when a short rocket took out the rocket FO team and the rockets immediately stopped coming in. I don't understand the rationale for the elimination of the FO team stopping the barrage. Rounds already fired but still in the air won't explode in flight just because the FO can no longer call in corrections.

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