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Newbie help in Bruyeres

Guest Loketar

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Guest Loketar

I'm new to CM, had it a few weeks maybe. I've tried to stick to smaller scenarios to learn the game. I played through the tutorial obviously, then the Eichman scenario, then the Wittman one. Now I'm playing the Allies at Bruyeres. Now, I have "won" every time, but have never, ever been able to hold the high ground to the East, the hill will you start with the machine gun and the Bazooka only.

Now, I've tried moving up the regular troops to reinforce it. I've tried moving them with smoke, with a barage going on, with tank support, fast move, sneak. They seem to get decimated no matter what. Well not really, they take a few rounds and run in panic, usually with light to no casualties. But they do run, that's the point. I;ve never been able to hold/retake that terrain. Is it possible, or is holding two of the 3 objectives as good as it's going to get?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You must wait until the germans have spent themselves.Remember they are the attackers.Lay in wait at the edge of the village and cut them down.Then use your arty to blast them to smithereens,then you can storm over and occupy the VP location.I have done this twice against the AI in the last 2-3 turns of the scenario.

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You know you can place more infantry there at the start, right? I just played Bruyeres and put B platoon there at the start. With close arty support and a sacrificial flank attack with the M-8, I was able to at least keep a toehold there for the entire scenario. With the reinforcements, I was able to get control.

Not surprisingly, no one who began the scenario on the east hill was left standing in the end.

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  • 1 year later...

not that i know what i'm talking about...

i'm a newbie too. on the first turn of bruyeres, i ran platoon b into 2 of the 4 buildings to the right of the right minor objective. i also ran up the m8 hull down behind the left minor objective and put platoon c in the row of houses facing the right minor objective.

platoon b got inside just before the germans showed up. the M1919 and bazooka were overrun, but platoon b held. i then wide-targeted my 105 spotter on the right minor objective.

what i had was a funnel of death, where troops that tried to occupy the right minor objective were in a crossfire between platoons b and d, plus 105 suppression. as long as platoons b and d held, germans were funneled between them. any that tried to advance any further than the overrun objective ran into platoon c. when reinforcements showed up, i put platoon f in platoon c's buildings and ran up platoon c to reinforce platoon b. but mostly, i just sat back and watched the meat grinder grind away. in addition to the m1919 and bazooka, i lost one of platoon b's squads. i could have retaken the overrun objective at any time in the last few turns (with either platoon c or f), but i settled for a major victory.

hope that helped.

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