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My version of events regarding the Public QB

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Thought I should get my version of events out of the way before I forget about what happened

Forces: 1x 152mm spotter

1x KV-1S

5 T-70

1 45mm AT gun

1x 76.2mm inf. gun

1 depleted infantry company (8/12 squads)

1 depleted recon platoon

2 50mm mortars

2 maxims



2 B Wire

2 Trenches


All forces are based on regular though the KV is Crack

Setup: One platoon (4 squads) setups to guard the left flank with one trench and one MG for support. The T 70's sit behind them ready to lead some assistance if tanks turn up. The second platoon (3 squads) sets up in the middle with a MG and as trench. The last platoon (HQ + 1 squad) is used for a reserve. The recon platoon protects the right flank. The mines and barbed wire are scattered around where they might do some good. The TRP is placed on the left where I expect the attack to come from. The KV sits at the back middle ready to lend support to anyone. The AT and inf. Gun go on the right flank to strengthen the recon guys.

Turns 1-5. See a few men advancing on the left and open up with the Maxim. Turn 5 see the MG jam and I move the T 70 to add their MG's to the mix. Looks like a company attacking up the left - looks like I guessed right. I was expecting Redwolf to do a preplanned arty barrage but I guess he has no suitable modules. I could have done one but personally feel that is one the gamiest things a defender can do.

Turns 6-10. MG finally clears after 2 turns and opens up again, but has missed a golden opportunity to nail a full platoon walking through a wheat field. By turn 9 he is suppressed and then routed. He managed to fire off half his load which is better than anything can do in CMBO is the same situation. The T 70's play hide and seek with an AT team and slowly fall back. Fire a few rounds on the TRP to let Redwolf know I'm alive. A couple of squads run away However most of his force is going to miss the TRP and the delay is 8 minutes once I get the spotter into position. I move the KV up to add to Redwolfs fear. Still have no formal ID on any of Redwolfs units yet but the info screen says they are part of SS Mountain Division. Not quite sure how I know that?

Turn 11 to 16. Redwolf continues to bunch up due to my MG/T 70 combo. If only I had fast response arty It is becoming obvious that I will need to concede the woods on the left with 2 small flags. I am OK with this as I will still have 2 big and 1 small left.

I re-deploy my guns so they can fire on anything that will move through the woods. They have very slow movement so will probably need 5 turns to get to position. The T-70's continue to fall back MGing anything they can see.

I finally see some armour from Redwolf - a haft track. Nothing to worry about unless it has a big gun.

Turns 16-20. Redwolf tries to assault across the fields and fails. The MG's from the T 70s and rifle fire from the platoon stops them cold (well luke warm). My arty begins to fall - not quite where I need it but it will have to do. Some of Redwolfs falls on his own troops, which caused some mirth on this side of the lines. I have to leave for work at this point and we plan to continue PBEM to finish it off.

Cpl Carrot

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Why do you feel that defending prep-barrages are so gamey? Couldn't your defensive recon patrols have some inkling of an impending attack? Why give the attacker such a trump card in that he can prep you but not vice versa? I remember reading about counter-prep being used at Kursk quite a bit, but that's not a great example since the Sovs were a-waitin' for the wabbits to show up.

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Quick bump and update. I pll back my troops and three of the four squads make it out fine. The fouth one panicked and will take to time to recover their wits. Redwolf 'raced' a HT (250/1) with a passenger right up to the edge of my woods before bogging smile.gif The passenger is unidentified and has not got out yet so I assume the HT did not quite finish its movement.

My arty continues to fall - I will fire the lot as the battle will be over before I can get in LOS and countered down. I may not have a juicy target but it is better than nothing.

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