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Re-embarking heavy guns

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Is there any way of getting a disembarked heavy gun to re-embark?

I was just playing The Iron Roadblock, and one of 88's panicked for whatever reason and dropped out of tow, and I couldn't move it anymore. It didn't even have any real reason to panic, it was almost at the same spot where it started and no enemy in sight. The unit rallied later, but it didn't do me any good because it was stuck back in the woods. I would've thought that a gun that hasn't even been disembarked would stay in tow.

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The larger guns require a long set-up time and are essentially stuck when they are disembarked for whatever reason.

The effort to get them hooked back up must be beyond the scope of most CM battles and I guess that a certain level of abstraction enters in the picture to ensure the units are not used in an ahistorical way.


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It's understandable that the time it takes to hook up an artillery gun is outside CM's timeframe, but I still thought it a bit strange that a gun which hasn't been taken off the hook, and should at this point still be attached to the tractor suddenly disembarks and then simply stays put, should it panic or otherwise drop outside player control for a moment.

In the case I mentioned, the tractor remained completely calm, so I just had this image of the gun crew unhooking their gun in blind panic and realising it's too heavy for them to carry and leaving it there, while the tractor crew calmly looks over the scene smoking their ration cigarettes. If the gun hasn't been previously disembarked, it should still remain with the tractor, as long as the tractor is ok, especially if it's large enough to require transport to move at all.

This brings to mind other thing which has bothered me a bit in many wargames, mainly the inability of the crews to retake guns or vehicles that have been abandoned for whatever reason, if it's otherwise in usable condition, but sans crew.

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Crews remanning vehicles and guns is actually modelled in Steel Panthers: World at War. It gives you a little extra incentive to kill or rout stray crews lingering out in the open. I couldn't say whether it's historical one way or another but it adds a little extra excitement when a crew rallies and creeps back in to man your last tank or an abandoned enemy vehicle suddenly comes alive behind your lines. Do'h!

[ October 27, 2002, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: OddjobXL ]

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I have to agree with Engel with regards to guns disembarking themselves like that.

Dragging a heavy-ass gun around the field is NOT the way to avoid incoming fire. I think guns jump ship too easily, after all they aren't riding on the GUN, they are inside the transporting unit, right?

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Is it realistic that a gun like an 88mm could not be re-hitched in minutes? I think its wrong that CMBO & BB do not allow re-deploying of these heavy AT during battles. If they were Arty battery pieces then fair enough but i dont believe that an 88 with its crew would not be able to relocate fairly quickly...does anyone know how long it took to deploy or re-limber an 88 ?

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Here you go guys, i found this text from an article on 88's on the Achtung Panzer site!

"To pick up the gun, the wheel sets were backed over the main attachment points on the gun base and rocked back to allow large hooks on the wheel sets to engage the lifting points on the gun base. Lift chains were attached and each unit had it's own hand crank winch to raise the gun base up into the receiver mounted underneath the wheel set.

I am told that a well practiced crew could dismount a gun and be ready to fire in 20 seconds and remount the gun for traveling in less than a minute." endquote.

So maybe the Cm guys could fix this in a patch?

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Maybe the heavy guns could re-embark in CM:BB... But it would be a long process. I'd rather have the crew stick to the hauling vehicle more zealously, unless it takes serious damage. There's absolute no sense in "jumping ship" out of a halftrack/truck under fire in the middle of an open field, as this behavior will certainly be a death sentence to any heavy gun.

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