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A Problem .. Perhaps a Solution .. for the eternally confused and overwhlemed

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Although I've been a long time player of CMBO, I recently purchased CMBB. Now, when playing CMBO ... I wanted so badly to use the outstanding efforts by the community of Mods for the game.

However ..

I became entirely overwhelmed by the selection and the various options of the same thing. Therefore, I never thought that I got the most I could out of CMBO.

New people to the series, and new to Mods for this series, would certainly be overwhelmed with the community's unprecedented quality and support for their beloved game.

Truly, if you are on the inside of keeping track of all the mods at all the sites being put out, you probably consider this just another idiot trying to take the easy way out. But .. honestly .. there's so many that it just gets to be overwhelming. This factor will continue to become entangled as the game matures.

So .. my idea to help people ....instead of just whining about it ... is the concept of putting together a site. A very simple site.

I noticed that:


is free.

At that site, somebody with superior understanding of the cpabilities of mod-makers and the game system can comb over, maybe once every couple weeks, some of the latest mods.

At that point, they would become the "Roger Ebert" of mods and review what is the best of the best.

Then .. on www.thegoldenmods.com ... they would put together a very simple rundown on each type of modification and link it to the download. Just one type in each category .. just their opinion of the best. Nobody would say it's the absolute Bible of mods but just the opinion of one (could be anonymous to avoid flak) of one of the mod-intensive individuals that populate this board.

The idea in a nutshell is for a new player, or someone confused with what the community considers so-so mod makers or mods and the absolute artists of mods, to be segregated and listed in one place in a simple to understand model.

I would do it but I really do not consider myself on-par with the knowledge of the game system and the mod makers and that whole scene. I have four kids and just steal time to play here and there.

But I would like to get the most out of the game and take advantage of some of the outstanding efforts of the ModMen of CMBB.

Let me know your thoughts and if anyone is interested.



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